A Japanese Naturalist Documents Their Country's Native Plants - Observation of the Week, 7/6/20

Our Observation of the Week is this Aquilegia buergeriana var. buergeriana flower, seen in Japan by @skycat!

[skycat doesn’t speak English and I don’t speak Japanese, so both of us relied on Google Translate here. I’ve cleaned up Google Translate’s version of  skycat’s responses, hopefully not too much was lost in translation in either direction.]

“I've always loved living things since I was a kid, and I used to collect beautiful flowering plants from nearby mountains and grow them at home,” recalls skycat. That passion continued into adulthood, and they’ve been gardening for quite some time now. 

After years of looking at plants that have been bred to be pretty, skycat now wants to show off the beauty of wild plants as well, and has been photographing plants unique to Japan, hoping to one day see them become as popular as the standard garden plants from the country, such as the Golden-rayed Lily (ヤマユリ) and the Japanese Camellia (ヤブツバキ).

One such plant is the native Aquilegia buergeriana, which skycat says is widely distributed in Japan’s mountainous regions. Many members of this species have red sepals, but skycat says in the Tokai region, where they reside, the flowers have whitish-yellow sepals. 

The genus Aquilegia, known in English as “columbines”, contains around 70 species and is native to the northern hemisphere, especially in areas of higher elevation. The flowers of this genus are striking, with five sepals and five petals. The petals have five nectar spurs reaching past the back of the flower, giving the columbine flowers a distinctive look.

skycat tells me they use iNaturalist as a record of “my own images taken in the past. 

I like the fact that I can easily retrieve past images...I take photos so that other people could understand not only the flowers of the plant, but also the leaves, the overall appearance, and the way it appears in its habitat. As I have used iNaturalist, I’ve begun to carefully observe even smaller flowering plants that I had not noticed before.

- by Tony Iwane

- The U.S. Forest Service has a thorough article about the co-evolution of North American columbine flowers and their pollinators (primarily hawk moths and humming birds in North America).

- Differences in columbine nectar spur length are due not to the number of cells in the spur, but to the elongation of those cells.

Publicado el 07 de julio de 2020 a las 04:42 AM por tiwane tiwane


Columbines are elegant flowers, and this is a very delicate one. Thank you skycat!

Anotado por susanhewitt hace mas de 4 años

Great photos and article

Anotado por yayemaster hace mas de 4 años

Thank you for your introduction. Thank you, susanhewitt and ivanort for comments.

Anotado por skycat hace mas de 4 años

You are welcome @skycat

Anotado por yayemaster hace mas de 4 años

Columbines are one of my favorite flowers. I love finding them in the wild, and this is a particularly beautiful specimen.

Anotado por nataliewaddellrutter hace mas de 4 años

Wow! Beautiful!

Anotado por bug_girl hace mas de 4 años

I love Japanese plants. Never seen this species though during the two trips there I've done. Next time. Great photo.

Anotado por conuropsis hace mas de 4 años

Thank you everyone. conuropsis, this flower can be seen in Kirigamine, Nagano prefecture in July. Many highland plants can be seen in this place, so be sure to come back when the corona is over.

Anotado por skycat hace mas de 4 años

Very beautiful! Thank you for sharing your plants with us.

Anotado por milliebasden hace mas de 4 años

So beautiful! I love how skycat is interested in flowers of Japan and looking at their observations I was really impressed. Amazing job, and lovely flowers :)

Anotado por hmoranmac hace mas de 4 años

Such wonderful photos. I love your promotion of wild plants.

Anotado por carolynstewart hace mas de 4 años

Thank you skycat and Tony Iwane for this post. What a lovely idea and collaboration to share, I thoroughly enjoyed reading and learning about this.

Anotado por grechan hace mas de 4 años

Thank you tiwane and skycat. I’m glad to say that you've featured Japan's native plants.

Anotado por utchee hace mas de 4 años

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