Burlington Seasons Clock July 1st Update

Burlington Phenologists,

Together, we've surpassed 300 observations in our Season Clock project! The bi-colored striped sweat bee and wood frog both made their first appearances in Burlington this year and have been added to the clock: https://burlingtonwildways.org/projects/burlington-seasons-clock-2020 . Box-elder bugs, garter snakes, robins, and skunks are continuing to have a strong presence in our town as the calendar flips by.

As we daydream of colors bursting in the air for Independence Day, we must open our eyes and notice that nature is celebrating its own variety of hues. Purple-flowered raspberries and milkweed are in bloom while vibrant caterpillars and butterflies are just waiting to be seen. In July, we should be able to find monarchs, black swallowtails, and Isabella tiger moths Keep your eyes peeled for any of the Season Clock species, and remember that making the last observation of the year can be just as helpful as finding the first!

-Gustave Sexauer
Burlington Wildways

Publicado el 01 de julio de 2020 a las 05:23 PM por gsexauer gsexauer


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