Burlington Seasons Clock May 15th Update

Burlington iNaturalists,

Thank you for contributing to our phenology clock thus far! We have collectively spotted 28 of the 45 species (62%) that were chosen to be part of our clock. The newest version of our clock will continue to be posted on the Burlington Wildways website found here:

Most recently, red trillium flowers, large white trillium flowers, ostrich fern fiddleheads, ruby-crowned kinglets, and mourning cloak butterflies have been sighted and added to this year's clock. More observations of chipmunks, Canadian geese, phoebes, titmice singing, box elder bugs, and red-winged blackbirds continue to roll in.

For the end of May, continue to look for and submit observations for some of the more ephemeral species that won't last until summer like the trillium flowers and the kinglets. Also look for new arrivals such as basswood flowers, white pine pollen, and the fluff from cottonwoods which usually appear around this time. Keep an eye out as well for rarer species that haven't been found yet this year in Burlington including ospreys and muskrats.

-Gustave Sexauer
Burlington Wildways

Publicado el 15 de mayo de 2020 a las 02:34 PM por gsexauer gsexauer


Hi! How do you add an already documented observation? I wanted to make sure my Mourning Cloak butterfly from this weekend is included in the data.

Anotado por sci_smith hace mas de 4 años

That's great that you found a mourning cloak! Due to the various specifics we have on the species in our list, I am manually adding them to the project by looking through a filtered list of observations that potentially match. Your observation didn't initially come up because it was just outside the city limit and in South Burlington. We have discussed expanding the project boundary to include nearby areas, but with how iNaturalist saves places it has been easiest to use a single pre-defined area which is the Burlington city limits. Your observation is exciting none the less, and keep on the lookout for more!

Anotado por gsexauer hace mas de 4 años

I didn't even realize I had crossed over into South Burlington! I should have looked more closely at my observation. Oops! Just excited to participate! I'll keep my eyes out for a Mourning Cloak elsewhere in the neighborhood! Thank you for all the information and identification work!

Anotado por sci_smith hace mas de 4 años

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