CNC Superheroes!

I'm so proud of everyone that contributed to the CNC this year, even if it was only 10 observations! I learn so much every year: quantity vs. quality tricks, where to go to see a wider variety of organisms, photography techniques, ways to differentiate similar species, talking with experts (academic and hobbyist,) and places I want to visit that have some things I've never seen before. More than that, though, I find new-to-me species (50 this year!) and join in being a part of something really big for nature.

After the physical 4 day challenge is over, we turn to the mental 6-day challenge of trying to ID things. It's tough to put yourself out there and risk being wrong, and even more so when you are making IDs for other people's observations.

This year I didn't ID as much as I wanted to, but I have to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to a couple of folks that really outdid themselves!
@connlindajo made 9,822 IDs for observations all over Texas. That's incredible!
@kalamurphyking made 8,483 IDs for the DFW area. WOW!
@kathrynwells333 made 7, 260 IDs for the DFW area. Awesome job!
You guys deserve to be recognized just as much as those who took photos.
There were 845 people that contributed IDs in the DFW area! There are many more people that IDs thousands of observations, and you can see them all here:

I also want to thank those folks that helped new users by putting in broad IDs (plant, insect, etc) and commented on how they can improve their chances of getting an ID. I hope a bunch of folks will stick around after the CNC and see how great this community is!

I hope your CNC experience was great, especially in light of the COVID19 restrictions, and I look forward to having extra BioBlitzes the rest of the year to make up for it! Right?!

iNaturally yours,
Kimberlie 😄

Publicado el 04 de mayo de 2020 a las 04:42 PM por kimberlietx kimberlietx


Thanks for this, Kim! And, I second your shout out to @connlindajo @kalamurphyking and @kathrynwells333 - All three ID'd so many of my observations. Thank you!

Anotado por tadamcochran hace mas de 4 años

@kimberlietx @tadamcochran Kimberlie and Adam, thanks so much! Both of you are just the best. It is always a privilege and a pleasure to observe nature and to appreciate the observations and engagement of others.

I learn something new every day, and, Kimberlie, one thing I learned from you during this CNC was how to better distinguish the Triodanis species. So very helpful!

Shoutout to both of you for outstanding observations (and, Adam, for your whopping 1,028!). And, shoutout to @sambiology for the most species documented: 978 observations with 670 species represented!

I still have about 5,000 more observations to review. And, I will eventually get through them all ... just for the joy of it.

Hope you all continue to stay safe and sound with every protection and provision.


Anotado por kathrynwells333 hace mas de 4 años

Thanks Kimberlie and Adam, it is so much fun taking part in this. This is my 2nd year to concentrate on identifying and I learn so much as I work my way thru them. A pure pleasure to see what all is found. I've already reached out to some Texas Turtle scientists to let them know of the progress in making a case for expanding the territory map for ouachita map turtles with 2 more examples found and documented this go around. Apparently we had a rare single sighting of specific species of bumblebee this time too, can't remember the name but it was @pfau_tarleton who identified it and shared a paper about that particular species. This project uncovers rare sightings every year.

Thanks again and stay safe everyone!

Anotado por kalamurphyking hace mas de 4 años

Thanks for the recognition. I was NOT going to immerse myself into the CNC as I had in past years, however, that is now a joke. I learn so much while participating in identification and learn how much there is out there I do not know.

I was amazed at the participation and the quantity and quality of Texas observations this year. I was especially proud of the Austin Complex participants. They really put a lot of work and thought into the event.
I visited all the Texas CNC areas and realized again what a diverse state we live in. Me identifying plants in the Panhandle, West Texas, and in the Rio Grande Valley is really a joke, but was eye-opening to the vast variety of our flora.

Hoping to meet up with everyone again soon. Happy iNat-ting!
P.S. I am not concentrating on reviewing CNC observations as of a couple of hours ago. Going back to my daily iNat routine.

Anotado por connlindajo hace mas de 4 años

I do kinda wish there was a way to recognize the ID'ers more during and after the City Nature Challenge -- they really are the ones that make iNat run. Making observations and adding data is indeed quite fun, but the id'ers are the ones that really organize and curate the data. Sooooooo grateful for those folks! :)

It's also been a real challenge to get new folks to ID. I'm not exactly sure what it is. I know that it does mean that one could be wrong in an ID (as we all have been countless times), and we can recognize just how little we know about everything we thought we knew! All good.

Many many many many thanks.

Anotado por sambiology hace mas de 4 años

We had a post-challenge meet-up the first year DFW was involved. That was a great gathering and I've often thought we should do that again. It would be a great time to recognize the unique things observed and the folks like IDers that go unrecognized. Here's hoping this is the last year we'll ever have to be socially distant!

Anotado por kimberlietx hace mas de 4 años

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