
I have not been diligent about checking iNat over the past few weeks and as of today, I have over 2500 unread notifications. While I imagine most of these are simple agreements, I am undoubtedly missing many mentions and I will probably never see them unless they are on an observation currently resting in either fulgoridae or psylloidea. If you have an observation that you'd like me to see, I recommend instead linking it in the comments of this post for the time being.

I hope everyone is safe and healthy.

Publicado el 09 de abril de 2020 a las 06:07 PM por psyllidhipster psyllidhipster


One solution to getting too many notifications is to opt out of receiving notifications of confirming identifications. Sambiology explains how to do it here https://www.inaturalist.org/posts/12545-too-many-notifications-dashboard-filling-up-be-sure-to-check-your-account-settings

As he explains, "Just go to your profile page, click on 'Edit account settings & profile' (located under your profile icon, if you've selected one). Then, scroll down a bit to 'activity settings.' There you can select [the notices you wish to receive and deselect others.]"

I did this some time ago. Although it means not getting notice when my own observations reach RG, it's worth it to make sure I don't miss responding to IDs that disagree with mine.

Anotado por nancyasquith hace cerca de 4 años

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