An Amateur Naturalist in Greece Posts the first Silene integripetala plant to iNaturalist - Observation of the Week 3/27/20

Our Observation of the Week is the first Silene integripetala plant posted to iNaturalist, by @katerinakalogerini in Greece!

Katerina Kalogerini resides in a small seaside town in southeastern Peloponnese, a region of Greece, where she teaches history and the Greek language, and tells me “I have been in love with animals and nature for all my life.

As a little girl I used to enjoy walks with my father in nature. He would stop from time to time to show me a bird on a tree (he used to love birds!), a turtle, a plant or a flower and every time it was a pure joy for me to discover a piece of the beauty of nature with his help. We both used to love the sea also, so during summer we were looking for fish, crabs, etc. while snorkeling together. He wanted to show me as many species as possible. Maybe the most beautiful memories of my childhood…

She came across her first Silene integripetala three years ago, and says “I found it so beautiful that l was determined to find out its name. After hours of searching on the internet l discovered it on The joy was even greater when l read that the flower is endemic of southern Peloponnese, where I live.” The plant you see photographed throughout this post was observed a few weeks ago while Katerina looked for orchids, and she says “It was the first integripetala of the year for me! When I found out there were no observations of the flower on iNaturalist, I decided to make this the first one.”

Plants in the genus Silene are known commonly as catchflies and campions in English, and according to Intermountain Flora (vol. 2A, p. 447. 2012)

Internodal bands on some Silene stems exude a sticky sap that may trap small insects, thus the common name “catchfly.” The plant cannot utilize nutrients from these trapped insects and is therefore not carnivorous. The function may be to prevent crawling insects from reaching the flowers.

Catchflies are cosmopolitan, but are more abundant in the northern hemisphere, and the genus contains around 700 species. 

Perhaps hearkening back to her childhood, Kateria (above, on Cyprus) still calls snorkeling and walking through nature among her favorite experiences, and says “I am fascinated every time l find a new species to me!” She uses iNaturalist to get identification help, and has some ambitions for it:

I want to post as many species of my area as possible. My town, Neapoli Lakonias, is located at the southeastern end of continental Europe and there are quite a few endemic species here, mostly plants, some of which I hope to find and post on iNaturalist one day.

By Tony Iwane. Some quotes have been lightly edited for clarity and flow. Thanks to @jdmore for the quote from Intermountain Flora.

- There are nearly 40,000 Silene observations on iNaturalist, so why not take a look at them?

- Silene is part of the Caryophyllaceae (pinks/carnations) family, and iNat data from Caryophyllaceae was used in this study of anther-smut records.

- And really, who can forget Marty Robbins’ classic song of heartbreak involving a pink carnation?

Publicado el 27 de marzo de 2020 a las 09:06 PM por tiwane tiwane


well done Katerina !!

Anotado por konstantinospatsakis hace mas de 4 años

I agree, the flower is gorgeous! Thank you for posting it!

Anotado por susanhewitt hace mas de 4 años

Bravo! I hope to see that in Greece someday!

Anotado por yan_tonz hace mas de 4 años


Anotado por jmaughn hace mas de 4 años

Awesome, great find!

Anotado por tkoffel hace mas de 4 años

Love this genus and this photo! Hope to see it myself someday. Thanks for sharing!

Anotado por mira_l_b hace mas de 4 años

Awesome work Katerina! My family is from Sparta in the Peleponnese so many amazing places in that penisula!

Anotado por bbiocons hace mas de 4 años

You are so awesome Katerina...Thank you so much for sharing your love of nature and animals here..I too am in love with animals and nature and your words are so inspiring to continue..Stay safe and healthy..Thank you..Sheila

Anotado por sheilsun hace mas de 4 años

So lovely! I would love to go back to Greece one day and see that incredible flower! :)

Anotado por paulabetz hace mas de 4 años

Thank you for your beautiful contribution!

Anotado por mertensia hace mas de 4 años


Anotado por ocean_beach_goth hace mas de 4 años

Beautiful :)

Anotado por carolr hace mas de 4 años

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