Kemper's visit to iNat HQ!

It was a treat to meet Yann (aka @kemper) and his little brother during a visit to iNaturalist HQ at the California Academy of Sciences. Yann's in the top 500 observers and top 50 identifiers on iNaturalist and he only just turned 15 today - pretty cool!

Publicado el 18 de julio de 2019 a las 08:10 PM por loarie loarie


It was great meeting you and checking out the academy, thanks, Scott!

Anotado por kemper hace cerca de 5 años

Was great to see you Yann! Hope your travels are good and you see some cool critters

Anotado por loarie hace cerca de 5 años

T-shirt looks good, I want it too

Anotado por chekiangense_long... hace mas de 3 años
Anotado por loarie hace mas de 3 años

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