Thanks for a Great first year on iNat!

Hi everyone!
One year ago last Saturday I joined iNat, and I have had a great first year. I would like to thank all of you who have helped out, guided, and encouraged me, and thanks to everyone for making iNat such a great place to be! I have learned so much on here, and it is always fun to pass on some of what I learn through identifying. I'm glad I found iNat, and I hope it will last for years to come.

Publicado el 05 de junio de 2019 a las 06:48 PM por alexis_orion alexis_orion


Cool! I've almost been on iNat for year now. Although, I met a lot of nice people I also met a bunch of people who give me quite a HECKLE!!

Anotado por bluejay2007 hace mas de 5 años

@alexis_orion Glad you are enjoying iNaturalist. Keep it up!

Anotado por vermfly hace mas de 5 años


Anotado por alexis_orion hace mas de 5 años

Congrats with your iNat anniversary Alexis! I fully share your enthusiasm for this great place to share, learn and celebrate nature.

Anotado por steven2802 hace mas de 5 años

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