First Time EVER in South Africa begins NOW!

Peggy (@tui ) and I are here in Cape Town, starting a two-week tour with Alvaro's Adventures and Rockjumper Tours. Knowing that Cape Town just won the iNaturalist Olympics, a.k.a. City Nature Challenge, I am grateful in advance for any ID help I receive. Thanks for overlooking my ignorance.

Publicado el 29 de mayo de 2019 a las 03:18 PM por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon


Have fun! looking forward to seeing your observations

Anotado por merav hace cerca de 5 años

Safest travels! Hope you're having a blast! :)

Anotado por sambiology hace cerca de 5 años

This is amazingly fun!

Anotado por gyrrlfalcon hace cerca de 5 años

I enjoy viewing your South African observations at the end of my day... LOVE the Southern Malachite & Doublecollar Sunbird photos, and want to frame the Western Cape White-Eye pic with the red berries... just BEAUTIFUL!

Anotado por forestgirlannie hace cerca de 5 años

I also never saw a Pied Crow before... I'd like to see it go up against a Black Phoebe in a "Who Wore It Best" contest ;-)

Anotado por forestgirlannie hace cerca de 5 años

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