Congratulations Team Wasatch!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the City Nature Challenge! Thanks to you, we blew past 3,000 observations and are on our way to identifying 600 different species living with us along the Wasatch. We've already had a report of one iNaturalist first record (a species never before documented on iNat) and other exciting finds are sure to emerge as we continue identifying your observations.

We have until Sunday, May 5, to upload and identify observations for the final count. So go ahead and upload any observations you haven't gotten around to posting yet and help us make identifications. The more observations we get ID'd, the higher our species count will be.

If you want to help ID but you're new to making identifications, please head to the Getting Started page and click on the "Identifying Observations" tab to learn about how to make the most helpful IDs.

Check back here in the coming days for more news. We'll be posting exciting observations we discover as we comb through all the data you gathered. And on Monday, May 6, we'll receive the final international totals and analysis of the impact of our efforts.

What an amazing four days of exploring the natural world! Thank you!

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2019 a las 02:55 PM por lcthompson lcthompson


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