Lake Merritt Bio-Blitz

Yesterday was the Lake Merritt Bio-Blitz. This is the fifth Bay Area Bio-Blitz, and the fourth in which I've participated (Fort Funston, Laurelwood, Palo Alto Baylands, Lake Merritt; I missed the first one, at McLaren Park). In some ways this was the most successful so far. Over a hundred participants, plus we were getting people to participate on*the*spot! Press coverage from multiple sources, too, including my student Cody who was covering the story. The diversity of the people participating was breathtaking, too: more children than ever, more first-time naturalists than ever before. The special events - drones, mud critters, pollinator garden, Tufted Duck - really gave a special flavor to the day. Loved every minute of it, even though I added very few new species for myself. It was great to be with Peggy (tui), Donna (dpom), Ore (ore), Ken-ichi (kueda), Dan, Cynthia (seakangaroo), Liam (robberfly), Amber, Marissa, Rebecca, Alison (kestrel), Prakrit, Matt, Sam, Mark, Judith and more friends old and new through the day, including Matt and his wife and their baby Bella who, at three months, is the youngest person I've iNat-ted with.

Continue to follow the results at the project page:

Publicado el 24 de febrero de 2014 a las 03:57 PM por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon


Yay, definitely a good one. While definitely great, it also involved the most planning and coordination. I'm kind of wondering if we should just try some microblitzes in which we just choose a spot, converge, record, then get pizza, and try not to organize anything. Might not be as rewarding for newbies, I guess, or maybe it would be. Guess there's only one way to find out.

Anotado por kueda hace mas de 10 años

Rebecca, Alison and I talked about doing a micro-blitz, too. Let's chat some more!

Anotado por gyrrlfalcon hace mas de 10 años

Hey, this is a new font type for the journal, too!

Anotado por gyrrlfalcon hace mas de 10 años

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