Is there some way to view a list of all observations that have had a particular ID applied to them, even if it’s not currently the community ID? Say, someone IDs a madrone tree as a walnut, a second user corrects it to “Madrone” but no-one else adds an ID so it remains at “dicots”. I’m hoping there’s a way to view all the observations that have had a “madrone” ID applied to them (even if it’s a maverick).
g for me: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?ident_taxon_id=68912,797562
I haven’t been able to find a way to do it either. What I really want is not just to be able to sort for observations that have a particular ID, but ones that have a particular ID made by a particular user. So if I know user X is an expert on taxon Y, I can look for observations where they made an ID for taxon Y, even if the community ID is something else.
Which should show all observations that have an active ID of the taxon you enter. For example, this should show observations which have an active Dysdera crocata ID, a commonly misidentified spider.
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?ident_taxon_id=68912 3
Edit: I know how to filter on particular IDs, but I’m interested in filtering on observations with IDs, i.e. through https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify.
For anyone interested in filtering on IDs, it’s under https://www.inaturalist.org/identifications, e.g. https://www.inaturalist.org/identifications?user_id=username&taxon_id=12345 will give you identifications of taxon 12345 made by user username, regardless of the observation ID.
this shows all cases where I have entered Blue Jay as an Id with no filter on if the community agrees with me
ou can search for maverick IDs, e.g. https://www.inaturalist.org/identifications?category=maverick&taxon_id=46259
here’s also something about searching for observations where most agree, some agree, most disagree, but it doesn’t seem to work quite the way I expect it to. Maybe someone knows how it works?
You can find it built into the search function for a single user’s observations, but I think it’s also possible to stick it in the identify URL, e.g. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?identifications=most_disagree 3. https://discourse-cdn-sjc1.com/business6/uploads/inaturalist/original/1X/f4b1f41d4002b12f1df97aeb0eeecfb86ff03e13.png
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?identifications=most_disagree&lrank=order 7 meet your original request?
This originally came in as a feature request but I popped it over in General instead because you should be able to do these searches with some existing tools:
Identify grasshoppers and scorpions: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?taxon_id=48894,47651 1
Identify gastropods, but not nudibranchs: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?taxon_id=47114&without_taxon_id=47113 3
You can read more about some modifications to search URLs that aren’t in the website’s user interface filters here: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/how-to-use-inaturalists-search-urls-wiki/63
Atlases aren’t a fully fleshed out feature. Right now only curators have a link to create and view atlases on each taxon page. It’s in the Curation drop-down. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a way for you to search atlases to find out if one exists yet for a particular taxon…
hanks. I used to just rely on calflora.org. But now that the taxonomy of iNaturalist diverges more from calflora.org, I use BONAP. Neither had a map of the plant I’m looking for. So I look forward to when correct maps are somehow on iNaturalist instead of just maps of right and wrong identifications.
Same here. When I am investigating a particular taxon, first thing I do is go to the map tab on the Taxon page, and visit the pins that seem to be out of place. Most often it’s a mis-ID, but sometimes it can be a captive observation.
Next thing I do is check the observations for “similar species” to find mis-IDs that are really my taxon of interest. Curation is a never-ending process for everyone on iNaturalist. Just the nature of the beast, so to speak.
Reverse populating from GBIF is an interesting idea. I’m not sure it has to be an either/or, but I would actually focus on using it to populate the checklists first before the atlases.
Checklists are much more user available, and I’m not sure the site has quite figured out the use case for atlases yet, Right now they have a kind of ‘solution in search of a problem’ feel to them.
One concern I would have is that sites like GBIF dont tend to update their records when taxonomy is updated. For example, the Northern and Hen Harriers of North America and Europe respectively used to be considered a single species under the name Circus cyaneus.
If you go look at the GBIF page for C. cyaneus https://www.gbif.org/species/2480487
It has thousands of records for North America that are no longer valid, which would get imported. Cleaning up stuff like that, and any potential impact on if they add geographic intelligence into the computer vision system could be a nightmare. And then making sure if cleaned, it does not simply return should the process ever be run a 2nd time.
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There are some things you can only search for by editing the URL directly, in this case, by adding taxon_geoprivacy=obscured to the URL.
More info here:
How to use iNaturalist’s Search URLs - Wiki 5
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A workaround:
Hm, I don’t see the same results for https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?identifications=most_disagree 7 and https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?identifications=most_agree 7.
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