Changing to a Traditional Project

Although we tried to keep things simple with a Collection Project (wonderfully easy to work with), it turns out that in order to gather just the data we need, the Traditional Project is what's needed.

What we are looking for in this project is photos of Sonoran Desert native bees as well as photos of plants and flowers on which native bees have been observed to feed, gather pollen, or cut leaves.

Stay tuned!

Publicado el 15 de noviembre de 2018 a las 03:14 AM por aellis aellis


This is a very worthwhile project. I wish I had more photos to add. If you have not done so, it would be helpful for the project to automatically add appropriate observations.

Anotado por gcsnelling hace mas de 5 años

Thanks so much, Gordon -- as I learn how to work with iNaturalist and better manage the project, I hope to take advantage of all it will enable us to do. If you can point me in the right direction, I'll add that functionality immediately. We would like to gather any and all observations of bees and their preferred plants within the Sonoran Desert project area!

Anotado por aellis hace mas de 5 años

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