Help ID ESNPS photos this fall and winter

ESNPS Coordinator Erin White has asked for all data from 2018 to be submitted by November 30, which includes photographs uploaded to iNaturalist. In December I intend to summarize the iNat data we've received so far, as well as other data not specifically associated with our project, to see where we are and what changes we might need to make for year 2. Please do your best to submit observations by the end of the month.

We have many observations that do not meet iNat's "Research Grade" criterion--indicating typically that there is no identification to species or that the identification has not been corroborated by at least one other iNat user. If you are skilled at identifying species within a certain group, you can help by assigning IDs to others' observations in these non-buggy months. Of course, do this only if you are certain of the identification--if you are not certain, tag the observation with the lowest taxonomic level (e.g., family, or genus) of which you are certain. Having observations identified by the community is a feature of iNaturalist that we love, and our project can use as many confirmed identifications as possible. But watch out--you may find it somewhat addictive...


Publicado el 05 de noviembre de 2018 a las 09:46 PM por mattschles mattschles


Anotado por lindom hace casi 6 años

Feel free to tag me in any Lepidoptera records

Anotado por jasondombroskie hace casi 6 años

Thanks, Jason!

Anotado por mattschles hace casi 6 años

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