Hunting, wildlife and evolution.

Are modern-day hunting practices having any noticeable evolutionary or behavioral effects on wildlife populations?

Publicado el 15 de julio de 2018 a las 02:17 PM por biohexx1 biohexx1


Thank you @biohexx1 for this important dialog. There is no question that hunting of certain species leads to removal from the gene pool of a biased trait, such as large tusked elephants. This is particularly significant in species such as elephants where the populations may be near the extinction vortex. Overall i would entitle this effect as contributory to extinction, rather than an adaptive or evolutionary change.

Anotado por c_michael_hogan hace casi 6 años

I agree. In places where there are too many mule deer (for lack of predators), I can see hunting. But not of endangered or threatened species.

Anotado por biohexx1 hace casi 6 años

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