You’d Never Guess What an Acorn Woodpecker Eats!

Have you ever wondered why woodpeckers pound so incessantly?

In the case of acorn woodpeckers -- gregarious black-and-red birds in California’s oak forests -- they’re building an intricate pantry, a massive, well-organized stockpile of thousands of acorns to carry them through the winter.

Publicado el 12 de junio de 2018 a las 11:19 PM por biohexx1 biohexx1


Nice article! I recently started volunteering with California State Parks at Wildwood Canyon and this will be a great bit of info to pass along on tours and nature walks having observed these birds and their granaries in the park.

Anotado por mharvey87 hace cerca de 6 años

Excellent! Natural historian docents are the best!

Anotado por biohexx1 hace cerca de 6 años

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