The February candidates for Observation of the Month have been selected by Kyle Jones. Thanks to the plethora of amazing sightings by Vermont naturalists, there was no trouble at all finding enough candidates—the challenge was figuring out how to choose only four. Just like last month, if you are reading this, you are one of the judges. Look at the observations listed below and vote by adding a comment to this message with your selection. The observation with the most votes wins.
Vote for February! Voting closes in one week.
Would you like to select the finalists for the upcoming March vote? The first to claim the prestige will have the honors!
Number 1
Number 1 for me too. Great find and photo.
No. 1 here for me as well. I love Larry's insect photos!
the mating bugs!! amazing shot!
I'll go with the barred owl. It's pattern looks like a conifer cone edged in snow. Beautiful animal and great pic. The mating Boreus scorpionflies were great too, and were a great find.
Number 1. Life finds a way.
The Barred Owl shot is stunning! I'd have to pick it.
1, though they're all great
1 because it's a great pic that made me learn something new.
I prefer the Barred Owl pic, wonderful context and setting.
Yeah, I am really tempted to vote for the sugar maples because, you know, plants, and becacuse it is so pretty, but i think from a biology nerd standpoint I need to vote for the mating bugs as well. (#1)
Charlie, I was counting on one botany vote and it was from you! Jeesh. Can't win against macro-copulation...
Number 2. Great barred owl sighting, mid-day, phenom.
I vote for the mating bugs. (#1)
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