City Nature Challenge 2018

This is the first year that San Diego will be participating in this growing event. Only 3 years old, now more than 50 cities from all around the world are taking part. Help show how species-rich San Diego is by observing and uploading as much as possible during this event, April 27-30, 2018.

San Diego Natural History Museum is the sponsor for San Diego and I believe they are working with the Natural History Club at San Diego State University.

Check out last year's results.

Your help is needed! If you can't be here in person, you can help by identifying what people find.

@jaykeller @milliebasden @biohexx1 @hikingsandiego @alex_bairstow @patsimpson2000 @sidesplotch @snakeinmypocket @ryanandrews @matthew_salkiewicz @efmer @microm @naturenate @sandiegomike @chiriria @jacoboh @stevennoyes @sacroosevelt @pileated @dmh0716 @jemhikes @sflax @johnmartin @ryanubrown @mhedin @treichard @chrispherp @serpophaga @amplex4love @upandadam @pdecino @leptonia @samfellows566 @richbreisch @dean_leavitt @justinscioli @rachelshoop @swbirder @alice_abela @brendan6 @michael_bear @rwaayers @jrebman @kestrel @rebeccafay

Publicado el 30 de enero de 2018 a las 03:59 AM por finatic finatic


It has been a few years since I tromped around the San Diego area but, if I can make it, I would love to. Can Skip, maybe a friend and I, camp in your back yard, @finatic?

Anotado por microm hace mas de 6 años

Looks like my calendar is clear! Quick question... Does iNaturalist count just the observations of people invited on this post, or is it anything that anybody posts within San Diego on those four days? If it's the latter, I'll post the event on my NextDoor neighborhood community so people can both get familiar with the app and post for the challenge.

Anotado por sandiegomike hace mas de 6 años

It is anyone that adds observations into iNaturalist during those four days. The Nat has already created a project that will collect all the observations.

That same day there will be a bioblitz going on in Balboa Park and that will also collect the observations into both projects.

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 6 años

Awesome. I'm there dude!

Anotado por pileated hace mas de 6 años

Looks like it's anything posted within the county and not just the city -- at least according to that highlighted map -- right?

Anotado por sandiegomike hace mas de 6 años

@pileated So glad that you're going to be there. It wouldn't be the same without ya.
@sandiegomike I'm trying to get clarification on that. Yes, the map shows the whole county but I don't know if that is how things will end up. As I find out more I'll post it.

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 6 años

Hi all,
I'm the project manager for the City Nature Challenge and the Balboa Park BioBlitz at the San Diego Natural History Museum. It's so exciting to see this great support, thank you!
The name City Nature Challenge (CNC) is a bit of a misnomer. We were able to create our own project area, and we chose all of San Diego County. Many competing CNC areas chose to include multiple counties. It's up to whatever makes the most sense for each individual project area.
This project will accept any posts taken within San Diego County over the four day period. Which I am super excited about. We have so much diversity here, I can't help but feel giddy about what our species count will be. The competition has three categories, overall species count, number of observations, and number of observers. Non-verifiable observations will be allowed to count towards overall totals, however they can never be research grade.
We are hosting partner meet and greets this Friday and Saturday at 9am that will include an overview of the 2018 City Nature Challenge, resources we can offer partners, a sign-up for interested organizations, and a brief iNaturalist tutorial - not that anyone here needs that :)

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP
for Friday, February 16
for Saturday, February 17
Feel free to share away!


Anotado por lmarino hace mas de 6 años

Lauren, thanks for adding all this information. I wish I could make the meeting but won't be able to. I am very much looking forward to the event and helping show-off all that San Diego has to offer. We have so many fine naturalists here that we should do quite well.

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 6 años

Our first round of partner meet and greets went swimmingly. I got to meet biohexx1 in person--he's awesome! Sad to miss you BJ. Thanks to all who made it out!
Good news, we are holding more partner meetings in March.

Help us decide the March partner meeting dates by taking to this Doodle Poll:

These meetings will include a quick overview of City Nature Challenge logistics, followed by an iNaturalist tutorial. The tutorial is meant to help familiarize partners with the app and trouble shoot any questions that may arise. The end goal being, those who attend can return to their organization's sites and train the public in iNaturalist app best practices.

If you are well acquainted with iNatrualist, you will probably only want to attend the first thirty minutes of a meeting.
If you are going-out to observe on your own during the CNC, no need to attend a meeting unless you want to meet some of the folks hosting events.

Hope all you can join us,

Anotado por lmarino hace mas de 6 años

OK, just joined "the project". I'll also share the page on my neighborhood "Nextdoor", and have already posted about it on Facebook. I look forward to seeing how SD stacks up!

Anotado por sandiegomike hace mas de 6 años

Awesome, thanks for sharing-out Mike!

I'm going to post on Nextdoor myself. Thanks for the idea :)

Anotado por lmarino hace mas de 6 años

Thanks to all who took the Doodle poll and helped us decide on two dates for partner meetings/iNat tutorials.
The two timeslots that worked best for the largest number of people are below.

They will be held in the J.W. Sefton Boardroom at The Nat.
Follow the links below for more information and to RSVP.
Monday, March 12 1-3PM
Wednesday, March 14 2-4PM

Please feel free to share with anyone you think would be interested in attending.


Anotado por lmarino hace mas de 6 años

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