
There were few ducks in Echo Park. I was expecting more ducks but sadly i did not see the overwhelming amount of ducks i was expecting. All of the ducks were in the water, none dared to step on out of the safe body of water. I noticed that duck's feathers do not get wet. One went under water, literally submerged its body underwater, and when it came back up the feathers looked dry. I now know that ducks have special properties that protect their feathers. Seeing the amount of people present in the park you would think the ducks would be used to the people and less shy; however, no. As i came close to them, they would turn their bodies away and swim away...the pigeons were more welcoming.

Publicado el 11 de diciembre de 2017 a las 01:41 PM por jenniferddiaz jenniferddiaz


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