Notes for adding bird records

When adding bird records it is important to include a value for the field "Breeding Bird Evidence" to all bird records, even if it is "none". Birds are often observed at locations away from breeding or concentration sites (i.e. at sites that are not important for the conservation of the species). Without the Breeding Bird Evidence field filled out, we cannot use the record in most cases.

For those users of eBird, if you are entering your bird records to eBird as well as iNaturalist, please try to indicate this in the submission to iNaturalist to help us sort out duplicates. You can add the eBird checklist link using the "associated observation" data field.

Please contact us if you have any questions!

Publicado el 15 de noviembre de 2017 a las 05:52 PM por sarahrobinson sarahrobinson



How do you recommend adding breeding evidence?

In Observation fields there seem to be a variety of options.

I presume the Breeding Bird Altas codes/categories are preferred. What is the code for no breeding evidence?



Anotado por dbmcc09 hace mas de 6 años

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