Lake Creek Steamy July Amphibian Watch July 8, 2017

It was dead calm, but not as hot as might have been expected standing on the cement of the Lake Creek dam. The evening was surprisingly pleasant for what had been another 100F day.
Background street traffic noise was less than usual, which made a positive difference in our listening opportunities. So, now, the insects (especially cicadas) provided a constant din to challenge our ability to hear distant amphibian calling.
Eight folks turned out, which is wonderful for this month. Thank you Myra, Kathy, Carolyn, Reggie, Linda, Andy, and newcomer Paula McCormick for coming out with me this month.

Environmental Conditions (at 20:35):
Air Temp: 29.8C
Water Temp: 34.6C
Sky: 0 (clear)
Water Level: Average
Relative Humidity: 55%
We have not had significant rain in the last 2 weeks, so the pond above the dam was at average level again and the limestone bedrock below the dam was completely dry.

General Observations:
The pond area was mostly clear, with only a start at algal mat formation. We saw a few water snakes gliding along and plenty of (cliff) swallows hunting insects above the water. There seemed to be fewer bats than usual. Summer insect noise was raucous.

Amphibian Watch Report:

  • The Blanchard's Cricket Frogs called intermittently the entire time we were at the monitoring site. Their calling got louder and more constant later in the evening. There were at least three groups, calling at a distance (C3), on and off. I have good recordings of C3 choruses. We also saw 4-5 very young frogs hopping on the edge of the dam and took photos (see one attached).
  • I heard a lone Gulf Coast Toad calling halfway through the monitoring hour and have several recordings. In those recordings, we may also be able to hear a very distant Green Tree Frog.
  • Kathy created observations of a much better GTF recording (see Comments below) as well as good pix of Gulf Coast Toads seen at "The Wall" (links in Comments below).
  • Some tiny Rain Frogs were seen at "The Wall" but no one could get a good photo.
Publicado el 12 de julio de 2017 a las 05:22 PM por weathergaltx weathergaltx


Fotos / Sonidos


Rana Grillo del Noreste (Acris blanchardi)




Julio 8, 2017 a las 08:44 PM CDT


Picture of one of the 4 to 5 we found hopping on the edge of the dam around 20:45.
Second part of observation is a much later (21:30ish) sound recording of a C3 chorus.

Fotos / Sonidos


Sapo Nebuloso (Incilius nebulifer)




Julio 8, 2017


Individual calling. Became louder and more clear later in the monitoring hour.


Anotado por weathergaltx hace cerca de 7 años

My bad - I forgot to add the photos of the chirping frog to my "Rain Frogs" iNat observation. I've now added those photos. No wonder the observation page looked so funny.........

Anotado por k_mccormack hace cerca de 7 años

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