National Moth Week 2017 - 22nd to 30th July

Just eleven days to go before the world gets its annual week of moth-fest.

If you want to join an organised event, please see the list of events on the NMW website (will be updated tomorrow, 12th July, with latest registered events added) -

If you can organise event at the last minute, irrespective of it being a private or public event (though at the last minute, most will be private!), please don't forget to register for NMW - the target of 500 NMW events for this year is yet to be reached. NMW event registration is simple and fast.
Really need further coverage of Africa, Australia (where it's not a good time of year to be mothing in the cooler zones, but those in the tropical northern parts have no excuses!) and South America (same caveat as for Australia). I see mainland China is not well represented, but I suspect this is an internet "issue".

Theme - the Arctiinae (Tiger Moths, Lichen Moths and Handmaiden Moths, from the tribes Arctiini, Lithosiini and Syntomini). This group of species, until recently assigned to the family Arctiidae, were demoted on rank (to Arctiinae) on molecular evidence. They form a natural group that is distributed globally.

Tiger Moths (Arctiini) are well known for variability of their pattern expression within species, and for their ability to not only hear bats, but emit sounds to deter predation by bats. The tribe includes a wide range of species in subtribes, some of which are only found in the Americas. Most are very brightly coloured species. Quite a few species are active during the daytime.
Lichen Moths (Lithosiini) are generally cryptically coloured, rather small species, whose larvae feed on lichens. As such, they are indicators of sulphur dioxide pollution levels (lichens are sensitive to SO2 pollution). In Asia, this tribe is incredibly diverse - a recent workshop at Fraser's Hill in Malaysia noted almost 80 Lithosiini species in just 4 consecutive nights fieldwork. Lichen Moths are sometimes known as "Footman Moths", derived from the comparison to liveried hotel footmen of old, with grey garments trimmed in orange or yellow, much like species in the genus group based around Eilema.
Handmaiden Moths (Syntomini) (or Wasp Moths) - is a tribe restricted to the Old World, whose species are mimics of Hymenoptera (especially wasps), and are usually seen by day, rather than at night. Not to be confused with other moth groups that mimic Hymenoptera (e.g. some burnet moths (Zygaenidae) or in particular the clearwing moths (Sesiidae)).

Publicado el 11 de julio de 2017 a las 03:47 AM por hkmoths hkmoths


I was trying to add my moths from today, July 22, but the pull down window with the year doesn't include 2017.

Anotado por annikaml hace cerca de 7 años

Thanks for raising this point. Fixed.

Anotado por hkmoths hace cerca de 7 años

Thank you! :-)

Anotado por annikaml hace cerca de 7 años

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