2000 observations posted

Singapore Moths on iNaturalist is approaching it's 3rd birthday, and an early present is reaching the landmark of 2,000 observations.

A big thank you to all 138 contributors. 365 species documented - that's one every three days. Might seem like a lot, but I suspect there's a long way to go yet before we approach the true number of moth species that can be found in Singapore. Let's see if we can get to 4,000 observations and 500 species observed by July 2018.

National Moth Week is a month away - time to register your mothing events for this international focus on moths and the effort to raise public awareness of, and interest in, moths. An opportunity to significantly add to the 2000 Singapore moth observations, too.

Here's to the next 2,000 observations . . .

Publicado el 24 de junio de 2017 a las 02:30 PM por hkmoths hkmoths


Anotado por gancw1 hace mas de 6 años

We have exceeded 4000 observation!

Anotado por gancw1 hace mas de 5 años

all good stuff, but still only the beginning...... and some catching up to do with other Asian moth projects on iNat (https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/moths-of-asia)

Anotado por hkmoths hace mas de 5 años

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