Metallic Green Bees

Does anyone have tips on how to ID the Metallic Green Bees? Females (all green) of Agapostemon spp, Augochloris spp, Augochloropsis spp. in particular.

Eye color? Wing color? Femurs? Hairs? Pitting on the thorax? I've tried to go through BugGuide to get a better understanding, but I find the clues are often buried in the individual observations and not well documented on the Info pages. I'd appreciate any tricks you might be willing to share!

@pfau_tarleton @cgritz @tfandre @sambiology

Publicado el 16 de junio de 2017 a las 03:39 AM por kimberlietx kimberlietx


Fotos / Sonidos


Abeja del Sudor Rayada (Agapostemon splendens)




Junio 15, 2017 a las 09:18 AM CDT


One thing I know is that the eye color on the metallic green bee is light and a large oval shape with specks. Others might offer a more in geothermal explanation.

Anotado por tfandre hace mas de 7 años

Geothermal?? Really autocorrect??? I typed "in depth". 🙄

Anotado por tfandre hace mas de 7 años

BAHAHA!! I thought you meant something with more "heat" or substance. LOL. Keep using big words. I'll go along with it!!

Anotado por kimberlietx hace mas de 7 años

I highly recommend The Bees In Your Backyard by Wilson and Messinger Carril and also Bees An Identification and Native Plant Forage Guide by Heather Holm. Both excellent books and will help with IDs for these bees.

Anotado por cgritz hace mas de 7 años

Which of those books would you say is the one to get if you only bought one?

Anotado por tfandre hace mas de 7 años

For bee in general, The Bees In Your Backyard. But I have to say that Heather Holm's book Bees has better ID info on the green bees.
Speaking for myself, and I may or may not be correct ;-) Generally, the all green female Agapostemon have more hair on their thorax, brown legs, darker wings and are a bit larger than the Augochlorini bees that I've seen. The Augochlorini have metallic green legs. Augochloropsis has metallic green tegula and a more rounded abdomen. The only Augochlorella that I've seen have been tiny, but they are larger sometimes..... But you really need to photograph a lot of green bees and compare what you see with what you can find on BugGuide and in books. Try to get good photos of all angles, including the face and back if possible. I've had a lot of help from other observers here on iNat, and I've posted a lot on BugGuide for ID, too. And I'm not always right and have a LOT to learn:-)

Anotado por cgritz hace mas de 7 años

wishing that Carolyn would give that native bee presentation again!!!!

It was GREAT!!!

Anotado por sambiology hace mas de 7 años

Thanks Carolyn! I'm starting to pay more attention to the bees in general, including the base-banded and end-banded variety, and trying to get more pics. Now I just need to get clearer pics. ;) I vote for re-presentation again, too!!

Anotado por kimberlietx hace mas de 7 años

Me too! I'm starting to take more bee pics

Anotado por tfandre hace mas de 7 años

Hmm. I'll think about native bee presentation needs to be updated, we've already had 4 new bees in the back yard in the past week!

Anotado por cgritz hace mas de 7 años

I ordered The Bees In Your Backyard and it will arrive today. I cannot wait :) So glad Kimberlie started this journal. Bees have been an issue for me as I simply cannot tell which group to place them. Mason, sweat, leafcutter, BAH! I have so much to learn.

Anotado por tfandre hace mas de 7 años

Great! But it's so much fun to figure it out!

Anotado por cgritz hace mas de 7 años

That is true! When I look back a year ago, I cannot believe what I have learned. It has been SO good for me and my brain.

Anotado por tfandre hace mas de 7 años

I put the book on my wishlist for now. I'm trying to decide if I want a bee book or a fly book. Both are something I want to learn more about!!

Anotado por kimberlietx hace mas de 7 años

Ooo, a fly book....darn you are good at spending my money! Have you gotten a recommendation for a good one?

Anotado por tfandre hace mas de 7 años

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