Archivos de Diario para octubre 2017

08 de octubre de 2017

Spider Observation 1

Jumping spiders and cellar spiders seem to be plentiful in the urban watersheds. No orb weavers or brown widows spotted, which I found odd, as brown widows seem to be everywhere. Spiders were mostly small or the larger species were light colored. Steelhead Park had an abundance of tiny Sassacus vitis. Marsh Park had many Longbodies or similiar species that were golden in color, and other very small dark spiders.

Back at Lower Arroyo, several large Spotted Orbweavers were found, and other low to the ground, dense webs were all around. The environment here was lush, swamp-ish, with plenty of slow moving water, vegetation on both sides of the river. Both LA River watersheds were islands of dense vegetation in the middle of concrete washes, with fast moving water. Maybe a correlation between this and spider type and size?

Publicado el 08 de octubre de 2017 a las 09:46 PM por veravilla veravilla | 4 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
