Archivos de Diario para marzo 2018

01 de marzo de 2018




Wed 8 Feb Kirstenbosch 10h00
Tue 13 Feb Tygerberg 09h00
Thu 15 Feb Glenwood HS George 08h30
Thu 15 Feb Saasveld 14h00
Fri 16 Feb Saasveld 09h00
Fri 16 Feb Saasveld 14h00
Fri 19 Feb Swellendam 11h00
Wed 21 Feb Kirstenbosch 09h00
Thu 22 Feb Steenbras 10h00 (intro - CoCT)
Sat 24 Feb Kirstenbosch 10h00


Tue 13 Mar Kirstenbosch 09h00 (Georgina Jones)
Thu 15 Mar Cape Town 14h00 (CoCT interns: Leanne Mossop)
Sat 17 Mar Walter Sisulu NBG 09h30 (RSVP: Michelle (
Wed 21 March Pretoria NBG 09h30 (Michelle)
Thu 22 Mar Pretoria NBG 09h00 (Taxonomy: Biogaps: Janine Victor)
Thu 29 Mar 09h00 Helderberg Nature Reserve (staff & Friends)


Fri 6 Apr Empangeni 17h00 (CREW: Suvarna)
Wend 14-15 April: Citizen Science Expo & field trip Kirstenbosch (CREW)


Sat 12 May: Kirstenbosch 09h00 (CREW and Table Mountain Honorary Rangers)


Fri 8 June: Stanford 14h00 (CREW)
Thu 14 June: Kirstenbosch 09h00 (Kirstenbosch interns)


Sat 14 July: Pietermaritzberg: Bew Herbarium 09h00 (CREW)
Mon 16 July: Paradise Valley Durban 08h00 (CREW)
Tues 17 July: Durban 08h30 (CREW)
Wed 18 July: Kokstad 09h30 CREW-Eastern Cape
Friday 27 July: Nelspruit 09h30 CREW & Mpumalanga Parks Board
Monday 30 July: George Saasveld (Science Week):

  • beginners courses - schools 10am, 11am
  • beginners course 13h00, advance course 14h00.
    Tues 31 July: Goudini Spa: Fynbos Forum 14h00.

------ TODAY--------


Tues 14 Aug: Cape St Francis. 14h00

dates undecided: Helderberg (after 16 April - CREW: organizer Carina)

Workshop: Introduction to iNaturalist (Autumn 2018)

  1. Introduce the philosophy of the site. How it is designed and works. This centres around:
    The layout:
    • Observations
    • Species
    • Places
    • Projects
    • Guides
    • People

How it works:
• What makes an observation.
• Species and the dictionary and links
• Extracting and showcasing your data

The differences between iSpot and iNature and how to think iNature.

  1. How to use iNature:

Practical coursework:

• How to upload an observation
• How to edit observations, including bulk edits
• How to custom access data and updates, and use your dashboard
• How to manage your account
• How to add CREW data

  1. Have some more fun (time permitting):

• Creating Places and species lists
• Creating Projects and managing data
• Creating Guides
• Reviewing IDs and contributing identifications
• Anything you find interesting and would like to explore in more detail.

Please bring to the course!

o Your computer (laptop, palmtop, ipad, cellphone, smartphone or equivalent, with Wifi or Bluetooth capabilities), and powercord.
o Between 10 and 20 pictures suitable for uploading to iNaturalist: of 5 to 15 different organisms. Plants, animals or fungi – not people, pets or places.
o If you are into checklists and guides, please bring along a checklist to your nature reserve, farm, garden or whatever. Just a list of species names without authors.
o Please sign up before you come to the course: - make sure that you are properly registered. Bring along your user-name and your password – and preferably an email address that you can access at SANBI (not one tied to your home line).
o Yourself, with lots of questions.

See also our Facebook page:

Publicado el 01 de marzo de 2018 a las 09:46 AM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 9 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de marzo de 2018

Extinct Plant species in South Africa

Extinct Plant species in South Africa - source:
(date in brackets: last record available)
By definition, these species Red List status' will be revised if found. (So - status at time of finding)

Extinct (EX):

Psoralea cataracta Waterfall Fountainbush (1790s) - found Oct 2019
Leucadendron grandiflorum (1806)
Thamnea depressa (1815)
Liparia graminifolia (1829)
Disa forcipata (1870)

Barleria natalensis (1890)
Xysmalobium baurii (1890)
Brachystelma schoenlandianum (1893)
Erica foliacea subsp. fulgens (1895)
Vernonella africana (1895)

Cephalophyllum parvulum (1896)
Cyclopia filiformis (1897)
Nemesia micrantha (1897)
Aspalathus variegata (1898)
Osteospermum hirsutum (~1900)
Polhillia ignota Whocares Syrupbush (1900s) - found Nov 2016

Willdenowia affinis (1918)
Eugenia pusilla (1920)
Lampranthus vanzijliae (1921)
Macledium pretoriense (1925)
Psoralea gueinzii (1927)

Leucadendron spirale (1933)
Aspalathus complicata (1934) - found Oct 2020 -
Erica alexandri subsp. acockii (1940)
Helichrysum outeniquense Joubertinia Everlasting (1947) - found 2016
Mimetes stokoei Mace Pagoda (1950)- re-emerged after hot fire 2000 - preiNat
Isolepis bulbifera (1950)
Aspalathus cordicarpa Heartfruit Capegorse (1950s) - found March 2016

Conophytum semivestitum (pre 1996)
Crassula subulata var. hispida (pre 1996)
Erica pyramidalis var. pyramidalis (pre 1996)
Macrostylis villosa subsp. minor (2002)

Ceropegia antennifera (known only from the type)
Ceropegia bowkeri (known only from the type)

Extinct in the Wild (EW) - only known from cultivation:

Erica verticillata (1908)
Encephalartos woodii (1916)
Erica turgida (1980s)
Encephalartos brevifoliolatus (1996)
Encephalartos nubimontanus (2004)
Erica bolusiae var. cyathiformis (2006)
Pleiospilos simulans Liver Quaggafig (2007) - found 2016 by Outramps & Oct 2015

Presumed Extinct (CR PE) - no known populations surviving:

Helictotrichon quinquesetum (1800s)
Lobelia zwartkopensis (1800s)
Aspalathus ferox (1850s)
Euryops zeyheri (1850s)
Adenia natalensis (1865)
Athanasia imbricata (1865)

Riocreuxia woodii (1879)
Kniphofia crassifolia (1880)
Cyclopia laxiflora (1890s)
Senecio hirtifolius (1895) - rediscovered Feb. 2014 see here
Albuca prolifera (1898)

Erica kraussiana (1900s)
Ixia ecklonii (1900s)
Merremia malvaefolia (1900s) - rediscovered Dec. 2015
Pachycarpus rostratus (1900s)
Phylica schlechteri (1900s)
Lebeckia zeyheri (1900s)

Marasmodes macrocephala (1907)
Alepidea multisecta (1910)
Albuca nana (1912)
Oxalis marlothii (1920)
Holothrix micrantha (1925)
Manulea ramulosa (1926)

Lachenalia martleyi (1929)
Riocreuxia flanaganii var. alexandrina (1930)
Oxalis pseudo-hirta (1930)
Leobordea magnifica Magnificent Leobordea (1930s) - rediscovered Nov. 2021
Lotononis dichiloides (1930s)
Disa newdigateae (1931)

Globulariopsis pumila (1935)
Oxalis involuta (1935)
Oxalis perineson (1935)
Oxalis fragilis Koring Sorrel (1936) - rediscovered July 2020 (?Jul 2018)
Agathosma pallens (1940)
Agathosma propinqua (1940)
Polycarena silenoides Cape Granite Flax (1940s) - rediscovered Aug 2015

Tetraria paludosa (1945)
Lobelia barkerae (1947)
Lotononis racemiflora (1948)
Erepsia promontorii (1950)
Babiana foliosa (1951)
Heliophila pusilla var. lanceolata (1955) rediscovered Sep 2018

Euryops rosulatus (1960)
Marasmodes reflexa (1964)
Selago polycephala (1967)
Tritonia flabellifolia var. thomasiae (1968)

Pterygodium connivens (1970s)
Aspalathus amoena Bree Capegorse (1970s) - rediscovered May 2013
Ornithogalum hallii (1976)
Muraltia satureioides var. salteri (1980s)
Moraea minima (1981)
Agathosma involucrata (1984)

Leobordea lanata (1986)
Hesperantha saldanhae (1990s)
Amphithalea minima (2000s)
Oxalis variifolia Swartland Sorrel (2000s) - rediscovered July 2020
Turraea streyi (2000s - EW)

Oxalis hygrophila (2001)
Orbea elegans (2004)
Ceropegia rudatisii (2005)
Conophytum herreanthus subsp. herreanthus (2006)
Ceropegia tomentosa (2007)

Jordaaniella anemoniflora (2011 - EW)
Tulbaghia cominsii (2011)
Xysmalobium winterbergense (?)


Not seen for over 50 years (Data Deficient) and REDISCOVERED:

Amphithalea bullata (1804) - rediscovered June 2022 - [ID == A. cymbifolia]
.Aspalathus concava Necklace Capegorse (1896) - redicovered Nov 2013 -
Aspalathus sulphurea Sulphur Capegorse (1940s) - redicovered Nov 2021 -

Previously Extinct - But since taxonomically revised!

Drosanthemum insolitum L.Bolus (CR PE) - is now sunk into Drosanthemum boerhavii (Eckl. & Zeyh.) H.E.K.Hartmann
Haworthia venosa (Lam.) Haw. subsp. woolleyi (Poelln.) Halda (CR PE) - is now sunk into Haworthiopsis woolleyi (Poelln.) G.D.Rowley (CR)

(first posted on iSpot: 9 September 2015 - 10:56AM - regularly updated)

Publicado el 07 de marzo de 2018 a las 11:42 AM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 22 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Extinct Vertebrate species in South Africa


Bluebuck - Hippotragus leucopheaus (1800 - Renosterveld)
Cape Lion - Panthera leo ?? (1858 - Cape Flora)
Cape Warthog - Phacochoerus aethiopicus aethiopicus (1870 - Cape Flora)
Quagga - Equus quagga quagga (1878 - Grassveld and Nama Karoo)



A few locally extinct

African Skimmer,
Yellowbill Oxpecker (1910, reintroduced),
Egyptian Vulture


Eastwoods Longtail Seps - Tetradactylus eastwoodiae (1928 - Zoutpansberg)
Gunters Dwarf Burrowing Skink - Scelotes guentheri - (1887 - Durban)





Posted on iSpot: 27 July 2015 - 7:29PM

Publicado el 07 de marzo de 2018 a las 11:46 AM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Extinct Invertebrate species in South Africa.


Table Mountain Hairy Crawling Waterbeetle - Algophilus lathridioides (? - Back Table) - unlikely to be extinct**

Table Mountain Water Scavenger Beetle - Allocotocerus mixtus (? - Back Table) - unlikely to be extinct**


Bashee River Buff - Deloneura immaculata (1863 - EC)
Morants Blue - Lepidochrysops hypopolia (1879 - KZN, NW)
Dicksons Monkey Blue - Lepidochrysops methymna dicksonii (1964 - Tygerberg)


Lion Velvetworm - Peripatopsis leonine (? - Signal Hill)

(posted on iSpot: 28 July 2015 - 11:31PM)

Publicado el 07 de marzo de 2018 a las 11:49 AM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

09 de marzo de 2018


I have amalgamated :

"Autumn First"
For the first sightings in Autumn for your area - any plant (seedling, growth, flower, fruit), bird (seen, calling, mating, nesting, young, flocking), animal or fungus (fruiting or growing).


"Spring First"
For the first sightings in Spring for your area - any plant (seedling, growth, flower, fruit), bird (seen, calling, mating, nesting, young, flocking), animal or fungus (fruiting or growing).

This project allows both these firsts, and also the "lasts" of the seasons.
The different options are now recorded in a field.

Publicado el 09 de marzo de 2018 a las 09:20 PM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

12 de marzo de 2018

Some historical iSpot stats:

Latest Stats: 15 May 2015
29 May 2015 - 10:41PM Tony Rebelo

iSpot data : 15 May 2015

With the exception of the overall summary, this is only data linked to the SANBI dictionary, so it excludes any unidentified data, and it also excludes identifications not in the dictionary (e.g. several hundred Leopard Tortoise observations -the dictionary is to subspecies but users are only IDing to species).

191 584 Observations on iSpot
175 460 Observations linked to dictionary
(16 124 observations not linked to dictionary or not identified)
174 743 Likely IDs
(720 with an ID but not likely)
324 956 Agreements
138 506 Comments
5 400 Interactions
2 992 Users (who have made an ID linked to the dictionary)

Social points (southern African only)

89 193 Tony Rebelo
21 387 Nicky vB
16 180 Pbsouthwood
12 598 Brian KD2
12 537 Karoopixie
11 580 outramps
10711 vynbos
8 946 Riaan Stals
7 328 Wynand Uys
6 903 Alex Dreyer
6 127 Colin Ralston
5 593 Bushboy
5 551 Gawie
5 498 Nick Helme
5 245 kbraunsd
5 031 Lee Jones
4 914 Judd Kirkel W
4 664 rianabate
4 572 marlandza

Observations per user (>2000)

24 232 Tony Rebelo
10 323 Nicky vB
7 541 Pbsouthwood
5 205 Brian KD2
4 221 outramps
3 950 Karoopixie
2 721 Gawie
2 614 Alex Dreyer
2 544 kbraunsd
2 404 Colin Ralston
2 160 Nick Helme

IDs per User (>2000)

17 363 Tony Rebelo
10 966 Nicky vB
8 613 Pbsouthwood
7 510 Alex Dreyer
6 318 Brian KD2
6 152 Karoopixie
5 848 outramps
5 717 Riaan Stals
5 191 Nick Helme
4 386 Judd Kirkel W
3 659 Colin Ralston
3 028 Wynand Uys
2 947 Lee Jones
2 849 Gawie
2 708 Andrew Hankey
2 625 vynbos
2 621 Charles Stirton
2 394 kbraunsd
2 381 rjpretor
2 370 Cassine
2 283 Jannie Groenewald
2 235 qgrobler
2 232 rianabate
2 227 Bushboy
2 140 Alan Horstmann

Agreements per user (>5000)

50 047 Tony Rebelo
18 219 Alex Dreyer
15 282 Nicky vB
15 161 Karoopixie
14 242 outramps
12 918 Riaan Stals
8 903 Colin Ralston
8 586 Kenneth Oberlander
7 616 Brian KD2
7 297 Alan Horstmann
7 144 Charles Stirton
6 678 Wynand Uys
6 191 Jan-Hendrik
5 938 rjpretor

Comments per user (>1500)

40 729 Tony Rebelo
8 902 Riaan Stals
7 469 vynbos
4 637 Karoopixie
3 851 Lee Jones
3 490 Wynand Uys
3 138 outramps
2 296 marlandza
2 288 magrietb
2 188 Brian KD2
1 751 Prix Burgoyne
1 703 Kenneth Oberlander
1 675 Alex Dreyer
1 629 Cassine
1 609 Bushboy

Reputation by group

Amphibians and Reptiles
189.7 Tony Rebelo
183.3 Alex Dreyer
156.0 Ryan van Huyssteen
103.3 AlexanderR
95.1 sediqa.khatieb
85.6 Colin Ralston
74.6 Brian KD2
74.5 Bushboy
72.7 Luke Bax
61.2 _John

1621.1 Brian KD2
1255.1 Karoopixie
1091.0 Alex Dreyer
689.1 Bushboy
600.6 rudi von staden
571.9 Colin Ralston
503.2 Nicky vB
488.4 Tony Rebelo
474.1 Gawie
369.1 Stuart Shearer

904.1 Pbsouthwood
399.3 RosePalmer
202.3 seastung
198.2 Rowan Watt-Pringle
156.3 Alex Dreyer
139.3 Pieterjl
91.2 Andrew Deacon
77.2 UnderwaterWendy
64.6 MatthewMelidonis
49.3 Triton Dive Lodge

Fungi and Lichens
196.9 gaby
97.3 Lizzie.
81.4 Nicky vB
58.7 Colin Ralston
51.2 marlandza
31.7 Tony Rebelo
26.9 _flaxton
21.4 Glenvn
10.9 Wynand Uys
10.6 Brian KD2
10.6 mark1985

2389.6 Riaan Stals
1765.3 Alex Dreyer
1729.7 rjpretor
1313.4 Wynand Uys
1309.4 Tony Rebelo
1088.9 Brian KD2
1007.6 Karoopixie
951.2 rianabate
875.9 Nicky vB
753.5 WolfRoland
707.1 vynbos

348.3 Alex Dreyer
224.8 Tony Rebelo
199.5 Brian KD2
187.0 Karoopixie
177.2 Bushboy
142.1 Gawie
111.9 17calbbievans
80.8 Nicky vB
67.4 Francois Kriel
58.9 Ryan van Huyssteen
58.9 Wynand Uys

Other organisms
9.5 Nicky vB
9.1 Brian KD2
6.5 Pbsouthwood
3.5 Riaan Stals
2.0 qgrobler
2.0 Charles Stirton
2.0 Alex Dreyer
1.5 Mo_
1.0 vynbos
1.0 Karoopixie

7278.6 Nicky vB
6857.7 outramps
6012.6 Tony Rebelo
4185.3 Brian KD2
2578.2 Judd Kirkel W
2473.1 Nick Helme
1941.8 Karoopixie
1752.3 vynbos
1724.5 Alex Dreyer
1686.2 Alan Horstmann
1641.4 Cassine

Habitats summary

47 459 Fynbos
13 894 Grassveld
13 630 Gardens
12 213 Succulent Karoo
8 906 Savanna: Moist
8 669 Marine Benthic
6 193 Renosterveld
5 173 Afrotemperate Forest
5 066 Wetland
4 729 Urban Parkland
4 308 Savanna: Arid
3 526 Nama Karoo
3 513 Strandveld
3 298 Dwellings
2 862 Eastern Coastal Belt Forest
2 816 Albany Thicket
2 700 Littoral
1 906 Coral Reef
1 490 Plantation
1 049 Aquatic
1 026 Desert
1 014 Estuaries
932 Cropland
767 Marine Pelagic
305 Wasteland
180 Zoos and Aquaria
143 Marine Canyon
113 Deepreef
86 Caves
(53) Grassland - - in brackets are illegal habitats brought over during amalgamation
(47) Gardens and parks
(38) Mountains and rocks
26 Subantarctic Tundra
(26) Woodland
(20) Freshwater
(19) Coastal
(13) Heathland
(10) Indoors
(8) Farmland
(5) Marine
(4) Marsh and bog

Number of agreements (>15)

24 Protea cynaroides
21 Leucadendron argenteum
19 Latimeria chalumnae
17 Bitis arietans subsp. arietans
16 Protea cynaroides
16 Alopochen aegyptiaca
16 Burhinus capensis subsp. capensis
16 Sagittarius serpentarius
16 Alopochen aegyptiaca
15 Pachypodium namaquanum
15 Platalea alba
15 Disa uniflora
15 Spheniscus demersus
15 Bostrychia hagedash subsp. hagedash
15 Threskiornis aethiopicus
15 Burhinus capensis subsp. capensis
15 Bucorvus leadbeateri
15 Haematopus moquini
15 Haematopus moquini
15 Bitis arietans subsp. arietans
15 Bitis arietans subsp. arietans

average agreements per species

16.5 Latimeria chalumnae
9.00 Cannabis sativa var. sativa
8.57 Aspidelaps lubricus subsp. lubricus
8.30 Aloe plicatilis
8.00 Serinus canicollis subsp. thompsonae
8.00 Turdus olivaceus subsp. culminans
8.00 Atelerix frontalis subsp. frontalis
8.00 Chlorophoneus viridis subsp. quadricolor
7.97 Sagittarius serpentarius
7.89 Bitis arietans subsp. arietans
7.88 Laniarius atrococcineus
7.80 Smutsia temminckii
7.77 Upupa africana
7.75 Poicephalus robustus
7.67 Rhincodon typus
7.67 Haematopus moquini
7.66 Burhinus capensis subsp. capensis
7.58 Spheniscus demersus
7.50 Poicephalus meyeri subsp. transvaalensis
7.50 Zographus oculator
7.50 Hemisus guttatus

Observations Per Species

2 990 Amietophrynus pantherinus
316 Bonisa nakaza
260 Leucadendron salignum
238 Amietia fuscigula
227 Protea repens
214 Agama atra
205 Apis mellifera subsp. capensis
199 Protea cynaroides
199 Chersina angulata
192 Protea nitida
190 Melithaea rubra
185 Clinus venustris
177 Marthasterias glacialis
176 Protea neriifolia
172 Tragelaphus strepsiceros subsp. strepsiceros
172 Oxalis obtusa
170 Parechinus angulosus
170 Pachymetopon blochii
167 Loxodonta africana
165 Promerops cafer
163 Callopatiria granifera
161 Amietophrynus rangeri
161 Alopochen aegyptiaca

Observations per taxon (i.e. any ranking)

2990 Amietophrynus pantherinus
929 Lepidoptera
316 Bonisa nakaza
308 Hopliini
287 Diptera
284 Helichrysum
276 Acrididae
266 Noctuidae
260 Leucadendron salignum
254 Araneae
238 Amietia fuscigula
227 Protea repens
222 Asteraceae
217 Aspalathus
214 Agama atra
205 Apis mellifera subsp. capensis
199 Protea cynaroides
199 Chersina angulata
198 Pentatomidae
192 Protea nitida
190 Melithaea rubra
186 Erica
185 Clinus venustris
182 Asilidae

Number of Taxa (of all ranks) per group linked to dictionary:

(NB to current version of dictionary submitted March and still not yet loaded)
13 238 Plants
3 422 Insects
1 054 Birds
805 Fish
529 Molluscs
503 Chelicerae
458 Invertebrates
452 Amphibians and Reptiles
365 Fungi and Lichens
304 Mammals
162 Crustacea
29 Chromista
15 Other organisms
7 Bacteria
2 Null

Number of Species per group linked to dictionary:

(NB to current version of dictionary submitted March and still not yet loaded)
12 260 Plants
2 097 Insects
1025 Birds

720 Fish
406 Molluscs
403 Amphibians and Reptiles
325 Invertebrates

274 Chelicerae

249 Mammals
220 Fungi and Lichens
115 Crustacea
25 Chromista

9 Other organisms
3 Bacteria

Level of ID per group:

Amphibians and Reptiles
5 Class

25 Order

11 Suborder

39 Family

1 Subfamily

86 Genus

8 380 Species

9 Class

4 Order

10 Family

33 Genus

14 606 Species

99 Class

53 Subclass

379 Order

11 Suborder

894 Family

976 Genus

1 364 Species

3 Subphylum

27 Class

28 Order

28 Infraorder

13 Family

3 Species

1 Subdivision
11 Class

5 Subclass

5 Order

99 Family

125 Genus

4 464 Species

Fungi and Lichens
7 Phylum

20 Kingdom
3 Class

26 Order

15 Family

1 088 Genus

1 295 Species

2 Clade

1 Subphylum

110 Class

1 773 Order

196 Suborder

3 Infraorder

56 EpiFamily

242 SuperFamily
6 146 Family

847 Subfamily

427 Tribe

2 Subtribe

2 355 Genus

9 425 Species

Other Invertebrates
54 Phylum

105 Class

40 Subclass

172 Order

37 Genus

111 Species

8 Class

1 SuperOrder

15 Order

3 Suborder

1 SuperFamily
70 Family

3 Subfamily

3 Tribe

54 Genus

4 567 Species

5 Phylum

30 Class

6 Subclass

2 Order

4 Suborder

25 Family

60 Genus

224 Species

Hopeless cases
2 Kingdom
14 Phylum

Other organisms
12 Class

28 Genus

316 Species

3 Clade

10 Division

15 Kingdom
3 Subkingdom

65 Phylum

15 Subphylum

21 Class

20 Order

785 Family

21 Subfamily

9 691 Genus

91 226 Species
2 Hybrid

Most used tags

(62 391 rural)
(13 018 urban)
12 686 SeaKeys
7 499 CC-by-sa 3.0
4 063 Alien
3 920 Sea Fish Atlas
2 807 Sea Coral Atlas
2 675 WLT Monitoring
2 276 GreatNatureProject
2 071 Sea Slug Atlas
2 056 COS
1 729 Saasveld Nature-con Practical 2014
1 525 EchinoMAP
1 358 Garden Route Botanical Gardens
816 Seaweed Atlas
806 Overberg Renosterveld Project
792 invasive
695 Juveniles & Larvae
592 Medike Mountain Sanctuary
592 SCBC
592 Soutpansberg
581 Vhembe Biosphere Reserve
571 indigenous
565 Outramps CREW Site Sheet
555 Montagu Moths
547 Bioblitz-Mgobezeleni

Observations with the most comments: (>40)

71 Aloe plicatilis dt
66 Pupae? - Montagu WCape
63 Plant family characters | Malvaceae | southern Africa
61 My how theys a-growin'!
52 Weird calcretions
51 Chasmanthe
51 Unknown Bug
49 Life on the hot side
45 Sarcophyte sanguinea subsp. sanguinea
43 The Gate to Hell
42 Fresh fishling - Montagu WCape
41 The Life and Times of Ms Pillar of Kleinmond

Species identified by synonym or not linked to dictionary: (>20 observations)

110 Tragelaphus sylvaticus
108 Dictyophorus spumans
102 Aloe perfoliata
83 Agama atra subsp. atra
77 Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera
76 Trithemis arteriosa
70 Stigmochelys pardalis subsp. pardalis
68 Aloe dichotoma
61 Crocodylus niloticus
59 Moraea tripetala
56 Oxalis flava
53 Euphorbia mauritanica var. mauritanica
51 Stigmochelys pardalis subsp. babcocki
50 Orthetrum caffrum
48 Erica curviflora var. curviflora
45 Cyanella lutea
44 Carissa haematocarpa
44 Lessertia frutescens
43 Spiloxene capensis
41 Chamaeleo dilepis
41 Pelomedusa subrufa subsp. subrufa
41 Trichostetha capensis
38 Chaenostoma
37 Corycium orobanchoides
34 Afrogecko porphyreus
33 Aloe ramosissima
30 Kalanchoe rotundifolia
30 Zosterops virens subsp. capensis
27 Acacia erioloba
27 Dorotheanthus bellidiformis subsp. bellidiformis
26 Acacia karroo
26 Caulerpa filiformis
26 Osyris compressa
26 Phymateus leprosus
26 Romulea flava
26 Sargassum incisifolium
25 Silene undulata
24 Aloe variegata
24 Knowltonia vesicatoria subsp. vesicatoria
24 Teloschistes capensis
23 Ferraria crispa subsp. crispa
23 Gnidia capitata
23 Pelargonium alternans
22 Brunia albiflora
21 Hypertelis salsoloides var. salsoloides
21 Nephila senegalensis
20 Alectra sessiliflora var. sessiliflora
20 Aloe plicatilis
20 Corycium carnosum
20 Ficus ingens
20 Hedydipna collaris subsp. collaris
19 Cisticola tinniens subsp. brookei

Time to IdentificationAs the stats do not include IDs without ID, this statistic is currently meaningless. Hopefully we can fix this and provide this stats soon.
If you would like additional stats, please ask and we will try and determine it for you.

Interactions: 15 May 2015

5 400 Interactions
857 Observations have interactions but are not in the list (as it would create duplicates). < not included below >number of observations per interaction_type

2 488 visiting a flower of
1 957 associated with
981 eating
279 parasitizing
156 attached to
69 carrying

Total for all taxa (irrespective of A or B)

526 Capsicum

152 Diptera
151 Helichrysum foetidum var. foetidum

121 Hopliini

108 Apis mellifera subsp. capensis

99 Lepidoptera

78 Brachylaena discolor
78 Formicidae

68 Insecta

68 Thomisidae

64 Araneae

57 Pentatomidae
54 Calliphoridae

53 Aphididae


Top all interactions

sp A
520 Capsicum

115 Hopliini

83 Diptera

82 Apis mellifera subsp. capensis

71 Brachylaena discolor
66 Lepidoptera

56 Helichrysum foetidum var. foetidum

44 Formicidae

44 Melyridae

41 Thomisidae

Top all interactions sp B
95 Helichrysum foetidum var. foetidum
69 Diptera
53 Araneae
46 Insecta
39 Lepidoptera
36 Ruschia caroli
32 Cicadellidae
31 Formicidae
29 Syncarpha argyropsis
28 Salticidae

Visiting a flower:
109 Hopliini
78 Apis mellifera subsp. capensis
77 Diptera
43 Melyridae
38 Thysanoptera
37 Formicidae
36 Syrphidae
35 Bombyliidae
35 Apoidea
34 Cyrtothyrea marginalis

A flower visited:
94 Helichrysum foetidum var. foetidum
34 Ruschia caroli
29 Syncarpha argyropsis
26 Duranta erecta
26 Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum
22 Senecio ilicifolius
21 Euphorbia cooperi var. cooperi
20 Senecio
19 Euphorbia mauritanica
18 Asteraceae
15 Helichrysum

23 Acari
10 Insecta
9 Arrenurus
8 Dasineura dielsi
7 Pompilidae
7 Braconidae
7 Amblyomma
5 Ixodida
5 Tapinanthus oleifolius
5 Trichilogaster acaciaelongifoliae

8 Acacia cyclops
5 Acacia longifolia
5 Acacia mearnsii
5 Chersina angulata
4 Vachellia karroo
4 Ischnura senegalensis
4 Lepidoptera
3 Gardenia jasminoides var. fortuniana
3 Acacia pycnantha
3 Ceriagrion glabrum
3 Diptera
3 Ficus sur
3 Panicum maximum
3 Searsia

36 Lepidoptera
19 Thomisidae
10 Asilidae
9 Thomisus
9 Salticidae
9 Rhabdomys pumilio
9 Sceliphron
8 Danaus chrysippus subsp. orientis
8 Hystrix africaeaustralis subsp. africaeaustralis
7 Ceroctis capensis

20 Apis mellifera subsp. capensis
18 Lepidoptera
13 Citrus sinensis
11 Odontotermes
10 Diptera
9 Osteichthyes
8 Vachellia karroo
8 Acrididae
8 Insecta
7 Aves
7 Calliphoridae

carrying: ( > 1)
10 Pompilidae
2 Anoplolepis custodiens
2 Formicidae
2 Histeridae
2 Turdus libonyanus subsp. libonyanus
2 Aquila verreauxii
2 Clibanarius longitarsus

carried: ( > 1)
5 Acari
4 Palystes
2 Oligochaeta
2 Amphipoda
2 Orchidaceae

Attached to: ( > 1)
7 Vachellia karroo
3 Flatidae
3 Salsola aphylla
2 Lepidoptera
2 Araneae
2 Xylotheca kraussiana
2 Duranta erecta
2 Dombeya rotundifolia var. rotundifolia
2 Astrocladus euryale
2 Gloveria integrifolia

attached on: ( > 1)
7 Insecta
3 Ceroplastes
3 Salacia gerrardii
3 Teloschistes
2 Lepidoptera
2 Vachellia karroo
2 Schotia brachypetala
2 Eunicella papillosa
2 Cecidomyiidae
2 Chthamalus dentatus
2 Crematogaster
2 Eriophyoidea
2 Euclea racemosa subsp. racemosa
2 Mesorhizobium
2 Polystachya ottoniana
2 Psychidae
2 Usnea
2 Viscum continuum

Associated with Sp A:
14 Helichrysum aureum var. aureum
13 Xylotheca kraussiana
12 Vachellia karroo
12 Buphagus erythrorhynchus
11 Gomphocarpus fruticosus subsp. fruticosus
10 Albizia adianthifolia var. adianthifolia
9 Ceratotherium simum subsp. simum
9 Thomisidae
9 Aphididae
8 Lepidoptera
8 Bridelia micrantha
8 Citrus sinensis
8 Ficus sycomorus subsp. gnaphalocarpa

Associated with Sp B:
55 Diptera
50 Araneae
31 Insecta
31 Cicadellidae
28 Formicidae
27 Thomisidae
24 Salticidae
23 Aphididae
20 Pentatomidae
19 Miridae

Riana Bate asks (email: Fri 2015/05/29 17:42):
Basically because you asked, the one thing we would like to see in the stats is: a list of new sp, genera, etc. identified. i.e the growth of Ispot as an identification tool.
(Sorry iSpot does not have a nice table formatting method):
These are only species linked to the dictionary (the current version submitted March 2015, not the previous version currently on iSpot)

  • to date = to 15 May 2015
    GENERA (IDs to species/subspecies level only, excludes IDs to genus only) - cumulative totals per year:
    2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 to date
    . . . 0 . . 10 . 433 1267 1798 2035 Plants (out of 2639)
    . . . 0 . . . 9 . 111 . 447 . 970 1198 Insects
    . . . 0 . . . 9 . . 26 . . 75 . 304 . 379 Fish
    . . . 0 . . . 0 . . 80 . 246 . 302 . 337 Birds
    . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 9 . . 40 . 193 . 229 Molluscs
    . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 7 . . 20 . 183 . 203 Invertebrates
    . . . 0 . . . 4 . . 24 . 104 . 132 . 139 Mammals
    . . . 0 . . . 5 . . 26 57 . 104 . . . 129 Chelicerae
    . . . 0 . . . 0 . . 46 . . 90 . 115 . 127 Fungi and Lichens
    . . . 0 . . . 2 . . 26 . . 75 . 107 . 125 Amphibians and Reptiles
    . . . 0 . . . 1 . . . 9 . . 18 . . 49 . . 90 Crustacea
    . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 4 . . 15 . . 19 Chromista
    . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 1 . . . 5 . . . 8 . . . 8 Other organisms
    . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 1 . . 2 Bacteria

SPECIES (and subsp., vars and formas) - cumulative totals per year:
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 to date
. . . 0 1728 5685 9224 11766 12260 Plants (out of 24 035 taxa*, 22 000 species)
. . . 0 . 103 . 459 1046 1886 2097 Insects
. . . 0 . 174 . 591 . 830 . 975 1025 Birds
. . . 0 . . 33 . . 91 . 209 . 665 . 720 Fish
. . . 0 . . 12 . . 40 . 111 . 372 . 406 Molluscs
. . . 0 . . 81 . 224 . 309 . 385 . 403 Amphibians and Reptiles
. . . 0 . . . 3 . . 29 . . 50 . 309 . 325 Invertebrates
. . . 0 . . 25 . . 81 . 137 . 252 . 274 Chelicerae
. . . 0 . . 72 . 155 . 202 . 246 . 249 Mammals
. . . 0 . . 19 . 122 . 166 . 206 . 220 Fungi and Lichens
. . . 0 . . . 6 . . 26 . . 39 . . 90 . 115 Crustacea
. . . 0 . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 8 . . 2 4 . . 25 Chromista
. . . 0 . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 6 . . . 9 . . . 9 Other organisms
. . . 0 . . . 1 . . . 1 . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 Bacteria
So we have the data. We just need a few more tools to get at it.

  • There are more vars and forms in the dictionary, but access to the literature to ID these is highly problematic. These figures are from the s Afr checklist (Strelitzia 14).

Thanks to Riaan for finding these on the Dark Side.


iSpot southern Africa data : 01 November 2015

Data are for southern African contributions only: see user profiles for global contributions.
(Queries extracting data are complex: if you notice any anomalies, please tell us).

206 462 Observations on iSpot
265 719 Identifications
366 341 Agreements
153 204 Comments
6 991 Interactions
3 380 Users (registered, contributing – number of registered non-contributing users is hidden in global figures)
205 377 Identifications with Likely IDs
197 422 Identifications with Likely IDs linked to dictionary***
5 780 Observations with Likely ID not in Dictionary ***
22 664 Taxa linked to dictionary***

*** Apologies our March 2015 update is still not loaded onto iSpot, so that on iSpot recent updates are not linking. These data are from the current SANBI offline Dictionary.

Social points

102 816 Tony Rebelo
24 434 Nicky vB
18 045 Pbsouthwood
13 660 outramps
13 482 Brian KD2
13 101 vynbos
12 809 Karoopixie
9 731 Riaan Stals
8 702 Colin Ralston
8 212 Alex Dreyer
7 416 Wynand Uys
6 661 Nick Helme6 080 kbraunsd
5 596 Bushboy
5 561 Gawie
5 543 rianabate
5 458 Shaun Swanepoel
5 057 Lee Jones
4 925 marlandza
4 919 Judd Kirkel W
4 919 sallyslak
4 910 WolfRoland
4 792 Richard Adcock
4 605 magrietb
4 200 PieterMier
4 025 Ryan van Huyssteen

Observations per user (>2000, southern African contribution only)

29 049 Tony Rebelo
11 770 Nicky vB
8 309 Pbsouthwood
5 605 Brian KD2
4 928 outramps
3 997 Karoopixie
3 471 Colin Ralston
3 160 Alex Dreyer
2 951 kbraunsd
2 726 Gawie
2 643 Nick Helme
2 586 Shaun Swanepoel
2 458 vynbos
2 257 rianabate
2 107 sallyslak
2 089 WolfRoland

IDs per User (>2000)

21 434 Tony Rebelo
12 512 Nicky vB
10 550 Pbsouthwood
9 042 Alex Dreyer
6 759 Brian KD2
6 658 outramps
6 339 Nick Helme
6 306 Karoopixie
6 219 Riaan Stals
5 236 Colin Ralston
4 384 Judd Kirkel W
3 389 vynbos
3 060 Wynand Uys
2 948 Lee Jones
2 938 Andrew Hankey
2 850 Gawie
2 803 kbraunsd
2 777 rianabate
2 757 rjpretor
2 733 WolfRoland
2 673 Cassine
2 655 Charles Stirton
2 637 Jannie Groenewald
2 452 Alan Horstmann
2 452 RosePalmer
2 391 Richard Adcock
2 332 Shaun Swanepoel
2 330 qgrobler
2 227 Bushboy
2 151 sallyslak

Agreements per user (>5000)

56 634 Tony Rebelo
21 195 Alex Dreyer
16 750 Nicky vB
15 738 outramps
15 468 Karoopixie
13 340 Riaan Stals
13 060 Colin Ralston
9 624 Kenneth Oberlander
7 740 Alan Horstmann
7 640 Brian KD2
7 362 Jan-Hendrik
7 245 Charles Stirton
6 703 Wynand Uys
5 964 rjpretor
5 844 Pbsouthwood
5 616 17calbbievans
5 391 adriaan_grobler

Comments per user (>1500)

44 718 Tony Rebelo
9 683 Riaan Stals
8 185 vynbos
4 815 Karoopixie
3 873 Lee Jones
3 804 outramps
3 512 Wynand Uys
2 595 marlandza
2 407 magrietb
2 272 Brian KD2
2 038 Kenneth Oberlander
1 892 Alex Dreyer
1 859 Prix Burgoyne
1 796 Cassine
1 760 Colin Ralston
1 610 Bushboy

Reputation by group (top 10 (occ. cutoff by score)

Amphibians and Reptiles
223 Tony Rebelo
208 Alex Dreyer
194 Ryan van Huyssteen
162 AlexanderR
145 Colin Ralston
95 sediqa.khatieb
77 Bushboy
74 Brian KD2
73 Luke Bax
61 _John
55 Karoopixie

1644 Brian KD2
1313 Alex Dreyer
1286 Karoopixie
951 Colin Ralston
713 Bushboy
637 Shaun Swanepoel
633 17calbbievans
610 rudi von staden
548 Nicky vB
523 Tony Rebelo

1025 Pbsouthwood
686 RosePalmer
395 Alex Dreyer
294 chrisbrooks
217 Rowan Watt-Pringle
214 seastung
148 lisa hengelein
142 Pieterjl
101 Andrew Deacon
77 UnderwaterWendy

Fungi and Lichens
225 gaby
101 Lizzie.
88 Nicky vB
71 Colin Ralston
51 marlandza
34 Tony Rebelo
26 _flaxton
26 Glenvn
10 Wynand Uys
10 Brian KD2
10 mark1985
10 Alex Dreyer

2 595 Riaan Stals
1 952 Alex Dreyer
1 819 rjpretor
1 388 Tony Rebelo
1 311 Wynand Uys
1 185 rianabate
1 118 Brian KD2
1 039 Karoopixie
959 WolfRoland
931 Nicky vB

416 Alex Dreyer
312 Colin Ralston
240 Tony Rebelo
203 17calbbievans
202 Brian KD2
191 Karoopixie
178 Bushboy
143 Gawie
87 Nicky vB
74 Ryan van Huyssteen
71 Wynand Uys

Other organisms
10.1 Brian KD2
10.0 Nicky vB
8.0 Pbsouthwood
3.5 Riaan Stals
2.0 qgrobler
2.0 Charles Stirton
2.01 Alex Dreyer
1.5 Mo_
1.5 Karoopixie
1.0 vynbos

7 983 Nicky vB
7 554 outramps
6 569 Tony Rebelo
4 530 Brian KD2
2 889 Nick Helme
2 585 Judd Kirkel W
2 227 vynbos
2 008 Karoopixie
1 989 Alex Dreyer
1 861 Alan Horstmann
1 793 Cassine

Habitats summary

57 258 Fynbos
16 652 Gardens
15 537 Grassveld
14 330 Succulent Karoo
10 853 Marine Benthic
10 071 Savanna: Moist
7 475 Renosterveld
5 774 Wetland
5 679 Afrotemperate Forest
5 674 Urban Parkland
5 006 Savanna: Arid
4 349 Nama Karoo
3 947 Dwellings
3 936 Strandveld
3 617 Littoral
3 319 Albany Thicket
3 076 Eastern Coastal Belt Forest
2 409 Coral Reef
1 773 Plantation
1 277 Estuaries
1 276 Desert
1 225 Aquatic
1 071 Cropland
815 Marine Pelagic
383 Wasteland
202 Zoos and Aquaria
161 Marine Canyon
112 Deepreef
91 Caves
27 Subantarctic Tundra
Curation issues: 56 Grassland
50 Gardens and parks
45 Mountains and rocks
28 Woodland
20 Coastal
20 Freshwater
16 Heathland
10 Indoors
10 Marine
8 Farmland
4 Marsh and bog

Number of agreements (>=15)

24 Protea cynaroides
21 Leucadendron argenteum
19 Latimeria chalumnae
17 Bitis arietans subsp. arietans
16 Alopochen aegyptiaca (2)
16 Burhinus capensis subsp. capensis
16 Protea cynaroides
16 Sagittarius serpentarius
15 Aloe plicatilis (2)
15 Bitis arietans subsp. arietans (2)
15 Haematopus moquinii (2)
15 Bostrychia hagedash subsp. hagedash
15 Bucorvus leadbeateri
15 Burhinus capensis subsp. capensis
15 Disa uniflora
15 Haliaeetus vocifer
15 Lycaon pictus
15 Pachypodium namaquanum
15 Platalea alba
15 Spheniscus demersus
15 Threskiornis aethiopicus

Average agreements per species (for more than 10 observations – number of observations in parenthesis)

3.5 (19) Aloe plicatilis
3.4 (11) Aloe longistyla
3.3 (21) Bartholina etheliae
3.3 (31) Bartholina burmanniana
3.2 (73) Disa uniflora
3.28 (37) Crassula coccinea
3.1 (221) Protea cynaroides
3.1 (43) Disa graminifolia
3.1 (46) Pachypodium namaquanum
3.06 (11) Conchyloctenia punctata
3.05 (27) Mimetes chrysanthus
3.04 (13) Drepanogynis bifasciata
3.00 (19) Pelargonium tricolor
3.00 (36) Welwitschia mirabilis subsp. namibiana

Observations Per Species (for rank of species)

3 405 Amietophrynus pantherinus (Herps)
357 Bonisa nakaza (Molluscs)
308 Leucadendron salignum (Plants)
271 Amietia fuscigula (Herps)
266 Protea repens (Plants)
249 Oxalis obtusa (Plants)
245 Agama atra (Herps)
240 Apis mellifera subsp. capensis (Insects)
221 Protea cynaroides (Plants)
219 Protea nitida (Plants)
219 Chersina angulata (Herps)
207 Protea neriifolia (Plants)
207 Melithaea rubra (Invertebrates)
203 Acacia mearnsii (Plants)
203 Loxodonta africana (Mammals)
203 Marthasterias glacialis (Invertebrates)
201 Clinus venustris (Fish)
198 Tragelaphus strepsiceros subsp. strepsiceros (Mammals)
193 Lantana camara (Plants)
190 Parechinus angulosus (Invertebrates)
186 Alopochen aegyptiaca (Birds)
185 Promerops cafer (Birds)
184 Pachymetopon blochii (Fish)
181 Erica cerinthoides var. cerinthoides (Plants)
180 Callopatiria granifera (Invertebrates)
179 Oxalis purpurea (Plants)
176 Amietophrynus rangeri (Herps)
176 Papio ursinus subsp. ursinus (Mammals)
174 Hyperolius marmoratus subsp. verrucosus (Herps)
172 Corynactis annulata (Invertebrates)
172 Equus quagga subsp. antiquorum (Mammals)

Observations per taxon (i.e. any ranking) (taxonomic rank shown)

3 405 Amietophrynus pantherinus (Herps Species)
1 615 Lecanoromycetes (Fungi and Lichens Class)
1 386 Lepidoptera (Insects Order)
385 Hopliini (Insects Tribe)
357 Bonisa nakaza (Molluscs Species)
336 Diptera (Insects Order)
320 Helichrysum (Plants Genus)
308 Leucadendron salignum (Plants Species)
296 Acrididae (Insects Family)
282 Araneae (Chelicerae Order)
278 Noctuidae (Insects Family)
271 Amietia fuscigula (Herps Species)
266 Protea repens (Plants Species)
259 Asteraceae (Plants Family)
254 Aspalathus (Plants Genus)
249 Oxalis obtusa (Plants Species)
245 Agama atra (Herps Species)
240 Apis mellifera subsp. capensis (Insects Species)
221 Protea cynaroides (Plants Species)
219 Protea nitida (Plants Species)
219 Chersina angulata (Herps Species)
217 Erica (Plants Genus)
215 Indigofera (Plants Genus)
210 Pentatomidae (Insects Family)
207 Melithaea rubra (Invertebrates Species)
207 Protea neriifolia (Plants Species)
203 Loxodonta africana (Mammals Species)
203 Marthasterias glacialis (Invertebrates Species)
203 Acacia mearnsii (Plants Species)
201 Asilidae (Insects Family)
201 Clinus venustris (Fish Species)

Number of taxa per group linked to dictionary:

13 807 Plants
3 821 Insects
1 101 Birds
895 Fish
574 Molluscs
534 Chelicerae
502 Invertebrates
469 Amphibians and Reptiles (Herps)
403 Fungi and Lichens
319 Mammals
184 Crustacea
30 Chromista
16 Other organisms
7 Bacteria
2 Null

Level of ID per group (observations):

Hopeless cases
2 Kingdom
14 Phylum

Amphibians and Reptiles3 Class
25 Order
12 Suborder
44 Family
1 Subfamily
98 Genus
9185 Species

10 Class
4 Order
20 Family
38 Genus
16 813 Species

1 Clade
118 Class
56 Subclass
431 Order
18 Suborder
15 SuperFamily
1025 Family
53 Subfamily
1 130 Genus
1 611 Species

4 Subphylum
2 Class
1 Subclass
28 Infraclass
56 Order
6 Suborder
51 Infraorder
1 SuperFamily
38 Family
72 Genus
717 Species

2 Subdivision
11 Class
5 Subclass
3 SuperOrder
6 Order
128 Family
185 Genus
6 519 Species

Fungi and Lichens
7 Phylum
25 Kingdom
1616 Class
34 Order
19 Family
1 359 Genus
1 826 Species

2 Clade
1 Subphylum
135 Class
2376 Order
207 Suborder
4 Infraorder
77 EpiFamily
305 SuperFamily
6816 Family
1221 Subfamily
693 Tribe
5 Subtribe
4 339 Genus
59 Subgenus
14 226 Species

Other Invertebrates
117 Phylum
161 Class
85 Subclass
243 Order
84 Family
9 Suborder
487 Genus
4 960 Species

10 Class
1 SuperOrder
18 Order
5 Suborder
77 Family
1 SuperFamily
4 Subfamily
3 Tribe
66 Genus
5 527 Species

5 Phylum
37 Class
10 Subclass
11 Order
5 Suborder
4 Infraorder
4 SuperFamily
80 Family
3 Subfamily
549 Genus
3 416 Species

Other organisms - (problem : iSpot is no longer recognizing these as Likely_ID online, so actual data may differ)
Other (Water moulds, Amoeboids)
4 Class
8 Genus
39 Species

3 Order
7 Genus
46 Species
8 Class
15 Genus
282 Species

3 Clade
20 Kingdom
3 Subkingdom
114 Division
22 Class
28 Order
1 SuperFamily
938 Family
22 Subfamily
12 Tribe
11 316 Genus
3 Subgenus
29 Section
94 601 Species
2 Hybrid

Most used tags (total = 198 289 tags)

(62 573) rural – discontinued: once off survey in UK
(13 047) urban
16 698 SeaKeys
8 268 CC-by-sa 3.0
5 855 Sea Fish Atlas
5 129 Alien
3 209 Sea Coral Atlas
3 022 WLT Monitoring
2 552 Sea Slug Atlas
2 324 GreatNatureProject
2 078 COS
1 834 Saasveld Nature-con Practical 2014
1 759 EchinoMAP
1 731 Garden Route Botanical Gardens
1 445 invasive
1 226 redlist
947 Seaweed Atlas
937 Overberg Renosterveld Project
875 WEI Marine
873 Outramps CREW Site Sheet
867 WEI Research
733 SCBC
729 Soutpansberg
716 Vhembe Biosphere Reserve
713 Juveniles & Larvae
695 Medike Mountain Sanctuary
577 indigenous
556 Bioblitz-Mgobezeleni
555 Montagu Moths
536 Chilibush
512 Crustacean Atlas

Observations with the most comments: (>40) .

71 Aloe plicatilis dt
66 Pupae? - Montagu WCape
65 Plant family characters | Malvaceae | southern Africa
61 My how theys a-growin'!
54 Life on the hot side
54 Chasmanthe
52 Weird calcretions
51 Unknown Bug
45 Sarcophyte sanguinea subsp. sanguinea
43 The Gate to Hell
42 Fresh fishling - Montagu WCape
41 The Life and Times of Ms Pillar of Kleinmond

Species identified by synonym: (>20 observations)

These need correcting, but please desist until the latest dictionary update is uploaded. These are not included in the stats for species provided above
120 Aloe perfoliata
119 Tragelaphus sylvaticus
113 Dictyophorus spumans
83 Agama atra subsp. atra
77 Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera
77 Trithemis arteriosa
72 Crocodylus niloticus
71 Stigmochelys pardalis subsp. pardalis
69 Oxalis flava
66 Moraea tripetala
64 Aloe dichotoma
55 Cyanella lutea
55 Carissa haematocarpa
53 Erica curviflora var. curviflora
53 Euphorbia mauritanica var. mauritanica
51 Stigmochelys pardalis subsp. babcocki
50 Orthetrum caffrum
47 Chamaeleo dilepis
45 Lessertia frutescens
43 Spiloxene capensis
43 Trichostetha capensis
42 Afrogecko porphyreus
41 Pelomedusa subrufa subsp. subrufa
40 Chaenostoma
39 Corycium orobanchoides
37 Romulea flava
33 Kalanchoe rotundifolia
33 Aloe ramosissima
31 Caulerpa filiformis
30 Zosterops virens subsp. capensis
28 Dorotheanthus bellidiformis subsp. bellidiformis
28 Osyris compressa
27 Acacia erioloba
27 Gnidia capitata
26 Silene undulata
26 Sargassum incisifolium
26 Ferraria crispa subsp. crispa
26 Acacia karroo
25 Teloschistes capensis
25 Pelargonium alternans
25 Phymateus leprosus
24 Aloe variegata
23 Knowltonia vesicatoria subsp. vesicatoria
22 Brunia albiflora
22 Trachylepis striata
21 Python natalensis
21 Teloschistes chrysophthalmus
21 Ficus ingens
21 Nephila senegalensis
21 Corycium carnosum
21 Hypertelis salsoloides var. salsoloides
21 Silene gallica
20 Nebelia paleacea
20 Alectra sessiliflora var. sessiliflora
20 Silene bellidioides
20 Hedydipna collaris subsp. collaris


5 400 Interactions
857 Observations have interactions as comments, but are not in the list (as it would create duplicates). < not included below >
Observations per interaction_type
2 960 visiting a flower of
2 234 associated with
1 174 eating
346 parasitizing
191 attached to
86 carrying

Observations with the most interactions (>10)

235 Life on the hot side
133 Life on the hot side - More Summer obs
103 Life on the Hot Side - into Summer!
59 Life on the Hot Side - Spring edition
56 Heli
39 Coastal Silver Oak
24 Coastal Silver Oak at uBhejane picnic site
18 African Dog Rose
15 Tree with flat beetle and other critters
14 Yellow everlasting
10 Bug's Feast
10 Bush with white rimmed purple flowers attracting many critters

Species with the most interactions (>50)

Parent A
521 Capsicum
149 Hopliini
103 Apis mellifera subsp. capensis
95 Diptera
82 Lepidoptera
72 Brachylaena discolor
56 Helichrysum foetidum var. foetidum

Parent B
98 Helichrysum foetidum var. foetidum
75 Diptera
56 Insecta
54 Araneae
50 Lepidoptera

Projects Number of projects per user:

168 Tony Rebelo
37 outramps
33 jimmymac2
28 Shaun Swanepoel
25 Nicky vB
18 Riaan Stals
17 Tuli
16 Ricky Taylor
14 Colin Ralston
12 vynbos
11 carina l
11 miked
11 Pbsouthwood
10 Robert Taylor
7 adriaan_grobler
7 MickETalbot
7 rianabate
6 Brian KD2
6 dejayM
6 Faan du Preez
6 Jonathan
6 Karoopixie
6 Kaveesha
6 RosePalmer

Societies and badges:

The data we are getting for these are corrupt: we will provide these data again when the OU team figure out the problem. Our apologiesTime to IdentificationThere are issues with this data that need to be resolved. When solved we will supply this statistics.
If you would like additional stats, please ask and we will try and determine it for you.

Publicado el 12 de marzo de 2018 a las 11:41 AM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario