Archivos de Diario para julio 2023

05 de julio de 2023

Alaska journey

Even though dark blinds on windows helps with keeping a regular sleep pattern, the LIGHT (or the length of day) was an interesting factor for observations as a naturalist in Alaska. In Denali Park, I remember looking at my Apple Watch noting that it presented the day length as 19 hours and 23 minutes!

The journey into Alaska - through Ketchikan - Juneau - Skagway - Anchorage - and then to Denali Park was a great learning adventure and and a chance to experience Alaskan landscapes, habitat, and the diverse plants and animals.

~ glaciers as "alive"... the sounds of glaciers - popping, creaking, and thundering.
~ Rivers - and more rivers - and still more rivers - flowing - some clear and so many more dense with glacial silt.
~ Bald Eagles
~ Moose - its seemed the dialogue around and about Moose was everyday - everyone with Moose stories to tell.
~ Denali - was fortunate to see the mountain on the first day arriving, but after that...hidden in the clouds.
~ nice cool days - mostly sunny, some days cloudy - rained more in Juneau - that any other site.

Alaska = grateful for the journey and to visit the vast landscape ... knowing that I only sampled only a small section at best.

and gratitude to the Tlingit, Haida, Eyak & Tsimshian indigenous cultures -

Publicado el 05 de julio de 2023 a las 05:30 PM por scottdwright scottdwright | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario