Archivos de Diario para octubre 2017

15 de octubre de 2017

Springville Marsh NP Oct 13, 2017

These entries will compose a written log of our activities at Springville Marsh State Nature Preserve.
NRI Marinna Mercer and I arrived at SMNP around 9 am. It was overcast, light winds. Damper than it should ideally be for seed collecting.
We focused almost exclusively along the boardwalk, collecting the seeds of 19 native species. We collected copious amounts of buttonbush and woolgrass. We collected some from the shrubby cinquefoil. Ryan Shroeder did warn me that these seeds may not be viable, since he is unsure if there is another Dasiphora nearby in order to cross-pollinate.
Many sparrows. eBird list made, including a Nelson's Sparrow. We had two American Woodcocks, including one that shot out from under my feet. Juvenile humor ensued.
We were at the marsh for approximately 1.5 hours.

Publicado el 15 de octubre de 2017 a las 11:39 AM por sasquatchbiologist sasquatchbiologist | 9 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Springville Marsh Oct 14, 2017

This was an unexpected trip, I had not intended to go out again so soon, but plans were changed at the last possible moment, so I went out.
I spent about an hour scoping out the north side of the marsh. The first couple of meadows are interesting; I was not able to reach the back ones due to extremely thick swamp rose patches.
Around 14 species were collected, including notable amounts of ninebark, Riddell's goldenrod, spotted Joe-pye weed. Access is difficult to very difficult in spots.
Partly sunny and quite warm (almost 80) at 4PM when I was out.
When I arrived, there were two cars in the parking lot. When I left only one (a different one). I never saw anyone.

Publicado el 15 de octubre de 2017 a las 11:46 AM por sasquatchbiologist sasquatchbiologist | 4 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
