Searsia pterota & Searsia longispina
R.O. Moffett, 1994, Rhus longispina and Rhus pterota, two hitherto confused South African shrubs,South African Journal of Botany, 60, 43-49,
Comparison of diagnostic characters of Rhus longispina and R. pterota
R.l - Oblate, ellipsoid 3.5 X 2.3 - 6.8 X 4.7 mm, chestnutbrown, drying dark brown; resinous juice and dry drupes, astringent but palatable
R.p - Elliptic, ellipsoid 5.6 X 4.3 - 6.4 X 4.9 mm, slightly asymmetric, dark reddish brown, drying black; resinous juice and dry drupes pungent, distinctly unpalatable leaving a burning sensation in the mouth
R.l - New growth glabrous, shiny
R.p - New growth russet, glandular
R.l - Petioles semiterete, occasionally margined; leaflets olive-green above, slightly paler below, often laccate; apex often emarginate
R.p - Petiole flattened, distinctly winged; leaflets dull grey-green above, slightly paler below, never laccate; apex never emarginate
R.l - Secondary veins impressed, not prominent
R.p - Secondary veins prominent above, duJ! yellow, divided towards margin, often somewhat reversed
R.l - When mature, large rounded shrubs up to 4 m high
R.p - When mature, somewhat untidy squarrose shrubs up to 2 m high
R.l - Axillary and terminal, latter prominently exposed
R.p -Fasciculate, not prominently exposed
R.l - Pale grey-brown to duJ! yeJ!owish on younger branches, granular to slightly striate
R.p - Grey, granular often lichen-covered
R.l - Occurs on diverse substrates near the coast and Karoo
R.p - Occurs on calcareous substrates
R.l - Widespread near the coast and in the Little and Great Karoo
R.p - along the coast and adjacent interior
Posted by tonyrebelo 13 days ago (Flag)
Summary as per Tony Rebelo on Searsis Project Journal in comments:
Posted by tonyrebelo 13 days ago