Archivos de Diario para marzo 2023

07 de marzo de 2023


I was looking for something else when I stumbled upon this forum post:

I didn't start using this site that long ago, but when I did there were less than 200k research grade fish observations in North America. Now, there are about 535k...which all things considered, is still not that many.

If you are an angler and you are also tentative to upload fishing catches, remember:
1) you can obscure your location by either keeping coordinates private or creating a wide accuracy range
2) you don't have to post trophies or limits, therefore you shouldn't be worried about burning spots
3) there is a decent chance that info on waterbody or location quality is online (i.e., fishery surveys, online videos / forums, social media posts, fish stocking databases, creel surveys) thus there's likely little harm in posting fishing photos from your favorite lake on this site.

Just my two cents, and how I've been operating on here since I've started.

Publicado el 07 de marzo de 2023 a las 06:13 AM por operculum_ben operculum_ben | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario