Archivos de Diario para octubre 2021

06 de octubre de 2021

Journal Entry 2: Research on Entoloma abortivum

Entoloma abortivum, commonly known as aborted entoloma or “shrimp of the woods” is a small white mushroom resulting from the parasitism of an entoloma species on a honey mushroom. This results in an aborted state or the transformation of a white, soft mushroom to one with a crackled, white, firm exterior lacking gills. While these aborted entolomas are edible, non aborted entolomas should be avoided as they resemble other poisonous species (such as the Entoloma sinuatum). These mushrooms were observed in the hollowed out trunk of a rotting tree, which fits their preferred habitat. Otherwise, these mushrooms can be spotted on the ground in humus, in wastelands, on the edges of bogs, or in woodland areas during early spring until late fall.

Publicado el 06 de octubre de 2021 a las 09:04 PM por ninahardt ninahardt | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
