Archivos de Diario para marzo 2019

13 de marzo de 2019

Life beside the lake

During 2018, my wife and I built a small house alongside Wentzell Lake on a property that was properly part of the original land grant that included our 150 acre farm.

The property is largely a mature Acadian Forest with most of the common tree species although it is more than 50% mature Red Spruce.

And living beside a lake that is part of an extensive river network (LaHave River) is a completely different experience to our farm. Many different birds, reptiles (massive turtles!) fish and aquatic plants.

I am recording my new findings in my Project 'Lakehouse'.

Publicado el 13 de marzo de 2019 a las 04:01 PM por myacadianforest myacadianforest | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
