Archivos de Diario para febrero 2016

19 de febrero de 2016

Bird Walk 2/11

The morning's bird walk started out fairly predictable, given the time of day and weather conditions. The ground was covered in snow, the sun was out, the air was cold- about 20 degrees Fahrenheit , the wind was light. The tpical American Crows were calling and flying above, departing from their evening roost. Rock Pigeons were also seen in flight. They appeared slightly rounder than the American Crow. Three American Robins were sited, perched on an American crab apple tree along the street. They did not vocalize in our presence. When arriving at Centennial Woods, we ventured to the bird feeders and observed the various birds feeding on the seed. Many Black-capped Chickadees were seen and heard, both calls and song. One had an orange tag on the leg. Several White-breasted Nuthatches were at the feeder as well. The chickadees would grab seeds with their beak and fly off to store the seed somewhere on the tree. We then left the bird feeder and went along the perimeter of the woods. Cottontail Rabbit tracks were spotted along the way. The vocalizations of a Northern Cardinal were heard, and the Northern Cardinal was eventually seen perched on a tree. Two Downy Woodpeckers were also seen and heard on the trees. Bird distress call recordings were used to attract birds, which mainly brought forth many curious chickadees.

Publicado el 19 de febrero de 2016 a las 02:52 AM por jgordon jgordon | 6 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
