14 de febrero de 2016

Back to Nature

It has been a while since I was in here. I haven't been getting around as much as I was since I quite the surveying job. Didn't realize there was big jump in the number of observations in this area. Finally, Hopefully, Maybe Ecology is coming to the South Plains and the locals will become correctly informed of just what we have to save here. Still think there needs to be an Ecology group dedicated to the South Plains region that does real world work. Getting out and about to see things is still difficult considering my transports condition, Still have a better camera on my wish list as well and a phone upgrade would definitely make observation posting better for me. Maybe I can get back up to speed.

Publicado el 14 de febrero de 2016 a las 05:52 AM por jessemartinjr jessemartinjr | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
