02 de junio de 2024

2nd day of #30DaysWild!

Today is the 2nd day of #30DaysWild! Annual challenge from the UK Wildlife Trusts.

I went to the pond by Hackney City farm to watch, and to see which creatures came and went. No newts to be seen today, but a lot of sparrows were in the trees and amongst the reeds. They were bathing, drinking and catching insects, all the while being very noisy. Good to see so many of them. There were a few Dragonflies and Damselflies about. I walked back via a couple of small parks and saw some Butterflies, Bees and more sparrows.

New species I saw today;

  • Large Red Damselfly
  • Broad-bodied Chaser
  • Small White

(a full list of everything I saw can be found here; https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2024-06-02&place_id=any&user_id=happybird44&verifiable=any)

Publicado el 02 de junio de 2024 a las 04:50 PM por happybird44 happybird44 | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

01 de junio de 2024

1st day of #30DaysWild!

Today is the 1st day of #30DaysWild! Annual challenge from the UK Wildlife Trusts.

I decided to go down to Wapping by the River Thames in London to see what I could find. Despite being rather windy and overcast I saw some insects, birds (including one of my personal favourites, a Jay), a Ladybird Pupa, a couple of butterflies and lots of pollinators. I saw some fast flying house martins (too quick to photograph) but I did catch one sitting in it's nest. I also looked up as I was walking under a tree and was surprised to see a Collared-Dove sitting on her nest.

New species I saw today;

  • Eurasian Collared-Dove
  • Dunnock
  • Red-barred Tortrix

(a full list of everything I saw can be found here; https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2024-06-01&place_id=any&user_id=happybird44&verifiable=any)

Publicado el 01 de junio de 2024 a las 03:37 PM por happybird44 happybird44 | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

22 de abril de 2024

Today's walk

I took a short walk today in my lunch break to Mudchute park and farm. I only took my phone so no great pictures. Everywhere was very green, but rather cold and no insects that I noticed. The crows were rather shy - I only managed to photograph a couple, but I was able to photograph a lot of magpies. One cheeky squirrel was inside the cage for the Geese - I got a couple of nice pictures. Around the far side of the park behind the allotments I found a tree full of titmice, Blue tits, Great tits and Long-tailed tits. Sadly I wasn't able to photograph any with my phone.

Publicado el 22 de abril de 2024 a las 10:32 PM por happybird44 happybird44 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
