Archivos de Diario para octubre 2020

10 de octubre de 2020

Etymology 1

Biston betularia cognataria. The name Biston comes from the name of a Greek Demigod Biston. Biston was the son of the Greek God of War, Ares, and the daughter of the Greek River God Nestus, Callirrhoe. The name betularia is derived from the Latin word for Birch, betula. Also, cognataria is probably derived from the Latin word cognata, which means related. For those who do not have experience with Romantic Languages, which are all descendent from Latin, the name read when translated is in the opposite order from the original Latin. This means, taken literally, Biston betularia cognataria could stand for Related Birch; Son of War; Son of River. Similarly, Biston betularia contrasta literally could mean Contrasting Birch; Son of War; Son of River.

Publicado el 10 de octubre de 2020 a las 02:16 AM por haemocyanin11 haemocyanin11
