Archivos de Diario para agosto 2011

03 de agosto de 2011

Today it was 109 degrees

Tomorrow it will be 113 degrees. The grass is bright yellow and in some places turning a pale cream color normally only seen in the last month of winter. The leaves are falling off of the trees like it is October and not the first days of August. Today I saw our first fire of the drought over near I-240 and Anderson Road.

Many plants that are watered are still baking in this relentless heat. Some local wildflowers are still managing to bloom. Most are or look like some sort of Sunflower.

Publicado el 03 de agosto de 2011 a las 05:45 AM por greenmother greenmother | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

09 de agosto de 2011

I drove to Houston Texas

And as I passed through central and Southern Oklahoma and Northern Texas, I was shocked. I knew the drought was bad, but to see so many dead and dying trees. Even Willows with their deep and complex root systems all yellowing and browning. The grass dry as winter.

We came back last night and we were on the heels of thunderstorms from north of Dallas to central Oklahoma. And wherever it had rained, instead of the smell of ozone and hot wet pavement, it instead smelled like wet straw in a barn. All that dead, dry grass was wet and making that sharp hay-like scent. It was really strange.

In my yard the trees are dropping their leaves, that are crinkled and brown. It looks like late October with all those leaves on the ground. It's surreal.

Publicado el 09 de agosto de 2011 a las 03:56 PM por greenmother greenmother | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de agosto de 2011

We have gotten some rain and cooler temps for 2 days in a row

Knock on wood we get another night of rain. Some of the plants are trying to perk up a bit. The Vitex is looking a bit better. But it is extremely drought tolerant. Some of the roses look half dead, even the Rugosas. The Chaste Berry [or Vitex] is blooming again. I have never seen it do that twice in one season. I can only assume that the drought has caused this to happen. It's not a whole lot of blooms but some. Which is good. The bees and butterflies are all over this plant when it does bloom. If the temps stay cooler then I can plant some buckwheat and in 30 days have a patch of forage for my bees.

Publicado el 11 de agosto de 2011 a las 01:49 AM por greenmother greenmother | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

12 de agosto de 2011

No more rain, but still, it's cooler

more than likely we have gotten about 2 inches of rain in the past 4 days or so. Trace amounts here and there, and then just shy of 2 inches the other night. Last night, no rain, but it was in the 70s all day long and all night, which was very nice. My vitex is blooming again, I spotted 19 new blooms on this hedge of bushes, which is really unusual. I hope they produce a whole lot of new blooms. The pollinators could really use the extra food. Even annuals like catnip are blooming again which doesn't normally happen if one doesn't pinch the blooms off prior to turning to seed.

Many of the trees look as if they will loose over half their leaves. The leaves are already too far gone and will keep falling. Our backyard is covered with maple leaves. The scrub oaks and pecans did not loose many of their leaves. They seem more drought resistant than the maple.

The grass is starting to green a bit again.

Publicado el 12 de agosto de 2011 a las 03:06 PM por greenmother greenmother | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

13 de agosto de 2011

More Rain late last night

And we need all the rain we can get. I know we haven't even breeched the 3 inch mark, but at this point it's take what you can get!

Publicado el 13 de agosto de 2011 a las 10:53 PM por greenmother greenmother | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de agosto de 2011

We are doing the BioBlitz in October!

I should have some cool pictures to upload when that happens. We are all very excited!

Publicado el 14 de agosto de 2011 a las 07:02 PM por greenmother greenmother | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de agosto de 2011

Photo Drive cannot be found by computer

Why? I don't know but that means I cannot access photos recently taken or upload any new ones. :(

Publicado el 23 de agosto de 2011 a las 07:25 PM por greenmother greenmother | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

28 de agosto de 2011

Yea I can access my photo-drive again!

It's still hot, but temps have dropped a bit at night. Probably due to the loss of vegetation and it's getting to be about that time. But daytime temps are still very high 103-104 on most days. Still very few flowers, and some local wildlife is still MIA. Bullfrogs [that are probably dormant in the mud waiting for cooler temps, and very few night time bugs at all, which accounts for lack of swallows, bats, bullfrogs and many terrestrial toads.

Publicado el 28 de agosto de 2011 a las 04:24 PM por greenmother greenmother | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario