Archivos de Diario para mayo 2020

09 de mayo de 2020

Early May 2020 after the rains and before it began to heat up

A lot of birds are out it is mating season. The Annas hummingbird is fighting over the white sage flowers that are in abundance. I noticed that most of the dominant species are in bloom. Except for Munz sage that blooms early. It is fascinating to watch the plant’s blooms come in stages as the plants, bugs and other critters do their dance of life, all get to feed and be pollinated. We had amazing rains which began in February and into late April. The rains were the soaking type of rains, so the clay soil has been able to hold onto moisture. It was interesting to see even the gopher holes were standing pools of water. Near the base of the hill I noticed that the soil remained wet and is only drying some here on May 3rd.

Publicado el 09 de mayo de 2020 a las 06:28 AM por gless gless | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
