06 de abril de 2012

Technology can be such a help

I had a wonderful evening of bird watching last night. As I stood on the bridge watching the tide flow back into the marshes I noticed a of what thought were ducks floating on the water.

taking my dSLR camera (a pentax k-r) I snapped a few pictures of them and returned to my car.

I love my gadgets and I'm never far from them, so pulling out my iPhone I opened up the Audubon Bird App to confirm which type of Duck I'd seen. Turns out they (a male and female) were not ducks at all. Hmm, so spending a few minutes comparing the photo on my camera to the ID photo's and description on the app I was able to make an ID of a Red-breasted Merganser. While not rare in my area, they were still a first for me !!

I was able to use my Birdlog app to up load all of my checklists for the evening to ebird while still the field which makes my accuracy sooooo much better.

Publicado el 06 de abril de 2012 a las 02:02 PM por fulinn fulinn | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

29 de marzo de 2012

Wild Turkey's on Display

Some days you wish that everyone had the same appreciation for wildlife that you have. On the way to our local high school this morning to drop my son off, we saw a flock of 10 wild turkeys. The three males were in full display and facing off for the attentions of the females in the group.

I so wanted to stop and take photos, but just couldn't do it, stopping in the road (the only choice) with 100 car's coming in behind me was just not doable < sigh >. So I continued on, after a slow drive past.

On my way home (with just as many car's behind me) I was planning on how and where to park so could brave crossing the road for pictures, only to find that the turkeys had moved on into the forest and no longer visible.

Although the photo opportunity was lost, the chance to see these wonderful birds in full display was a sight not to be missed.

Publicado el 29 de marzo de 2012 a las 12:48 PM por fulinn fulinn | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de marzo de 2012

An awesome day !

It was one of those days when I was so tired from the night before that I didn't want to move, but I'd planned to visit a couple of local wildlife spots and with the nice weather I thought it would help to improve my mood.

So with my younger (15 1/2 young ?) son we headed to the first spot along the parkway in Exeter. We immediately found painted turtles and ducks enjoying the warm sunny weather along the riverbank. Then we spotted an animal swimming through the water right towards us !! Yeah, but what was it ... an otter ( no ), maybe a beaver ( no ) oh no tell me its not a river rat ! Thankfully it wasn't, it was just a cute little muskrat who was not at all shy in coming to shore near us.

Continuing on along the river bank, we saw a Great Blue Heron land and move down the bank to the rivers edge for a bit of fishing. I took some wonderful photo's of him as he flew out across the river to a spot on the opposite bank.

Moving on to Kingston's Powwow Lake, Alex was moving a long the shore line just above the shallow murky waters when I heard our camera (Alex had it at the time) begin clicking away ! I hurried back to him to see the largest turtle I've ever seen swimming slowly just below the surface. The snapping turtle's shell was just a bit bigger across than a stop sign would be maybe 18" or a bit larger from side to side, with a huge head. It was so awe inspiring to watch this wonderful creature swimming slowly along.

What a wonderful day today has turned out to be !!

Publicado el 24 de marzo de 2012 a las 09:54 PM por fulinn fulinn | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de marzo de 2012

Great Bay Wildlife Refuge (fully handicapped accessible)

Visited the Great Bay Wildlife Refuge today for the first time in a long time
to see what might be running around ! I was in for a delightful time.
The .50 mile loop trail is completed by following the raised boardwalk for the entire time. It took me past many vernal pools, which by the sound of it were filled with spring peepers, although I did not see any of them. At about the mid point you can take a left and head down to the water front and the duck blind. While looking around the blind I saw two small flocks of Ring-necked Ducks, my first and required my field guide to ID them beyond..yep they are ducks of some kind. Continuing on up the boardwalk again I found a small red squirrel who posed for me but scolded me the whole time !! As I continued on I saw someone swimming along in the pond -- an otter or perhaps a beaver but he dropped below the surface without being ID'd for sure. Many local birds kept me company - downy woodpeckers, Titmouse and nuthatches flew from tree to tree and a mourning dove kept a quite cooing in the background.

Leaving the Refuge, I drove a long very slowly and spied a red fox beside the road, he paused and looked right at me, but by the time I could get my camera up he was on his way into the tree/brush line. The trip ended with a stunning sunset over the pines of the refuge. Just perfect.

Publicado el 23 de marzo de 2012 a las 01:23 PM por fulinn fulinn | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de marzo de 2012

My first birding trip !

Had a wonderful time with the Strafford Rivers Conservancy Group while looking for the American Woodcock in a field in Rollinsford, NH. Upon arrival we got an introduction to the bird - what to watch and listen for when we headed into the field. We watched coyotes run through the field and watched the stars come out overhead. Then we observed the Woodcocks as they came out of the forest edges into the field then take off and land around us. I had a terrific time !!

Publicado el 21 de marzo de 2012 a las 01:28 AM por fulinn fulinn | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

18 de marzo de 2012

A Taste of Summer

Even though its early early spring, today was an perfect summer day. Bright sunny and 70 degree's out, it was made for getting out into the fresh air.

Today, was my first opportunity to get with my new dSLR camera. I visited two birding locations, the first by Gilman Park always has a flock of ducks as the locals come and feed them. After taking many pictures of the duck couples I moved on to my second location.

The Sandy Point Discovery Center on the shores of the Great Bay Estuary in Stratham NH is a wonderful place to visit with your family. They have a boat launch, interactive center and an accessible board walk that takes you out into the marsh marsh. As I strolled along the board walk today I saw yet another pair of Mallard ducks swimming among the reeds and later I first heard and then saw a Song Sparrow. He was really living up to his name and was singing his heart out.

Publicado el 18 de marzo de 2012 a las 06:48 PM por fulinn fulinn | 4 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
