Southeast Arizona - August 2017

So, I'm thinking about trying to put together an informal iNat outing to Southeast Arizona in August 2017, a real true iNat-athon! I'm thinking about a week with the trip starting and ending in Tucson so that air travel is fairly easy. Right now this is just a thought, but if enough people are interested I will move forward with finalizing dates and a rough timeline.

August is monsoon season in southeast Arizona and it is a 2nd spring in many cases. It is high season for for almost all the fauna and flora. It is the perfect time to visit for birds, plants, insects, herps....
My prior August Observations from Arizona can give you some insight into what we may find.

I would like to hit three different sky islands; Chiricahuas, Hauchucas and Santa Ritas. Each range has endemic plants and animals that obviously can't be found elsewhere. On a trip like this I would like to alternate between majority day outings and majority night outings, but doing a bit of both each day.

@jaykeller and I have done trips out to the area quite a few times and know the area a fair degree. I would guess that we average over 700 species on summer outing so there is plenty to find and see for everyone.

I don't like camping and plan to stay in a hotel each time I sleep, which in the past has often been 6am - noonish. But, if you're into camping there are campgrounds in each of the mountain ranges. As for travel and hotels, hopefully we can use this forum for ways that people joining can connect and work things out to carpool and share rooms.

Those of you who have been to this area know of how wonderful it is. Please post a comment about your experiences there to help convince those who haven't been to make the trip.

Who's interested in joining? I know that I'm missing some people who may be interested, so please feel free to tag them.

@greglasley @pileated @gcwarbler @gyrrlfalcon @jimjohnson @borisb @kueda @loarie @sambiology @charlie @silversea_starsong @cedric_lee @maractwin @muir @matthew_salkiewicz
@biohexx1 @erikfunk @dpom @ryanandrews @screws @treegrow @mchlfx @mhedin @rachelshoop @rwaayers @dkavanaugh @d_kluza @kevinhintsa @hughmcguinness @mlodinow
@herptracker @john8 @kschnei @zabbey grnleaf @gbentall @berkshirenaturalist robberfly

Publicado el 06 de diciembre de 2016 a las 11:03 PM por finatic finatic


Well, I have no idea what I'll be doing next summer, and thus if I'll be able to make it, but if the circumstances allow for it, count me in!

Anotado por john8 hace casi 8 años

Definitely potentially interested. Long ways away, but sounds like fun

Anotado por mlodinow hace casi 8 años

Certainly interested. Holler when you pick a week.

Anotado por kueda hace casi 8 años

I'm totally up for it. If you get some dates, please let me know, and I can start planning. Would love to iNat with some of the legends. :)

Anotado por sambiology hace casi 8 años

Yes, definitely interested in an AZ expedition. Although I might enjoy it so much I won't want to go home!

Anotado por silversea_starsong hace casi 8 años

Let me know!

Anotado por biohexx1 hace casi 8 años
Anotado por biohexx1 hace casi 8 años
Anotado por biohexx1 hace casi 8 años

Definitely interested. Just pick a date and I'll move my schedule around accordingly.

Anotado por matthew_salkiewicz hace casi 8 años

I would be interested but I have several trips I am already on in August. From the 8th to 18th I'll be in Brazil and from the 24th to 27th I'm leading trips and giving the keynote speech at the Davis Mountains Hummingbird Festival in west Texas. So much as I would love to join you, looks as if my August is pretty full.

Anotado por greglasley hace casi 8 años

Oh man, this would be so cool. I've been once to SE AZ, but not with people who knew the area and I still saw a ton. BJ, you helped me plan that trip. Would love to see it with you in person. No commitment, but definitely interested.

Anotado por muir hace casi 8 años

@carrieseltzer -- any chance you could make it?!?!

Anotado por sambiology hace casi 8 años

I would very much like to go, and have never been to that area. I'm not sure yet if my schedule will allow. Gotta get my dive buddies to pin down dates for some proposed scuba trips...

Anotado por maractwin hace casi 8 años

I'm there. Will invite Jim Brock ( co-author of Kaufman Field Guide to North American Butterflies) who I just ran around there with to join us. silkmoth & hawkmoth density
will Blow novice iNaters Away. Great idea, BJ

Anotado por robberfly hace casi 8 años

Lots of cool stuff there. It would be fun to meet up with others. I was in the area in 2011. I never did id all my stuff. Maybe I'll upload some to iNat. Keep me on the interested list.
Photos here.

Anotado por kimssight hace casi 8 años

@muir I remember helping you plan that and looking at what you found.
@maractwin No oceans or seas to dive in there but we can probably find a fish or two for you :-)
@robberfly Awesome. Yes, that is a good time for the silkmoths and it still blows me away each time.
@greglasley It'll be a loss not having you with us,, though it sounds like you'll be having a great time elsewhere.
@sambiology How could I forget @carrieseltzer? I hope you both can make it.

Anotado por finatic hace casi 8 años

I might be taking a summer course at my university so I'll have to get back to you on this later.

Anotado por cedric_lee hace casi 8 años

@kimssight Always add them to iNat. A quick look and I know 3 of the moths right away.
That said, I still have lots that I need to add that I have yet to identify but am getting to the point where I'll just add them at a very generic level.

This is one of the reasons that I've been wanting to do a trip like this. Besides meeting in person people with the same interests, we will have people with different specialties that will help identify things, even if after the fact through photos. And, if we're all stumped that would probably be a very cool thing!

Anotado por finatic hace casi 8 años

Thank @finatic I really just started posting this year, I have quite a backlog to post. Certainly before I head that way again I'll post these. Thanks.

Anotado por kimssight hace casi 8 años

I'm interested/might be there anyway (likely at the Field Station in the Chiricahuas). The mushrooms are often better the second half of August from what I've been able to glean.

Anotado por leptonia hace casi 8 años

I'm interested! I've been to the 3 mountain ranges you mention on 2 trips for early spring birding - which was fabulous - so would love to experience summer. Keep me posted. Thanks!

Anotado por grnleaf hace casi 8 años

sounds awesome. That's a really neat area. Unlikely I can come between our baby and a new job where i haven't accrued much vacation time, most of it is already spoken for. But if only... those are such neat places

Anotado por charlie hace casi 8 años

That would be incredible! Just for me, the earlier the better as school starts at the beginning of August, but once you pick the dates, let us know and I will try to attend. Thank you for thinking of this. Elegant Trogon anyone? :-)

Anotado por rjadams55 hace casi 8 años

Yes, I saw the Elegant Trogon both times I went in the Santa Ritas!! Awesome!

Anotado por grnleaf hace casi 8 años

Maybe we can convince @dennispaulson to join.

Other folks who might have an interest @judygva @jakob @congonaturalist @botanygirl @calopteryx @jcabbott

Anotado por muir hace casi 8 años

I'd totally be interested, though already have a family commitment August 13-18. Please keep me in the loop -- I've never been to any of those locales, so would be very excited to get out there with you all.

(thanks for adding me @silversea_starsong!!!)

Anotado por bbunny hace casi 8 años

It sounds very interesting. If the dates work for me, I'd love to go.

Anotado por judygva hace casi 8 años

Living in Arizona and less than 2 hours from Tucson, there is a good chance that I might be able to join in on some of the festivities. No big plans at this time of next August.

Anotado por varajuan hace casi 8 años

I would love to do it!

Anotado por tiyumq hace casi 8 años

@cwbarrows In case you'd be interested in coming out as well.

Anotado por matthew_salkiewicz hace casi 8 años

I am DEFINITELY game for the experience!

Anotado por mchlfx hace casi 8 años

This sounds awesome! Do keep me in the loop as you plan, but it's possible I may not be allowed to take vacation in August. I'd definitely have to get my family on board which makes my attendance more complicated. I was gone for a week and my 3.5 yo told me, "Don't ever, never go on another trip without me never again." And then I left again for a week. And I'm leaving for another. Maybe if @muir brings his little naturalist too...

Anotado por carrieseltzer hace casi 8 años

I lived in Tucson for 17 years and try to get back as often as I can. I'm definitely interested, especially if I can get somebody else to do the driving. @leptonia mushrooms totally depend on the monsoon patterns which are pretty unpredictable. I remember one year when the rains came super early and we got tons of boletes in June.

Anotado por treegrow hace casi 8 años

@carrieseltzer I don't think I would bring the little guy. I want the full finatic SE AZ experience, including the "majority night outings," and having a kid along isn't conducive for that (yet).

Happy to drive @treegrow Katja! That way, I can stop for roadkill all I want. I'm sure we can work out a carpool system.

Anotado por muir hace casi 8 años

i think a trip with kids would be awesome, it just has to be a different type of trip than the super intense bioblitz. I'd love to do both, as soon as Holly is old enough.

Anotado por charlie hace casi 8 años

Thanks for tagging me here, @muir, but it's very unlikely I'll be visiting the US next summer (I've been in southern Arizona 22 years ago and loved it! Re-visiting the region with an iNat posse would be great fun)

Anotado por jakob hace casi 8 años

I am interested but too early to commit since I started a new business and August is the first anniversary. If things are going well that would be a great way to celebrate. I have been to the region before and it is beautiful. Would love to go back. Keep me in the loop please.

Anotado por royaltyler hace casi 8 años

@matthew_salkiewicz Thanks for the tag. I'm definitely interested, if I can spare vacation time. I camped out in the Chiricahuas for just one night a few years ago - it's an amazing area.

Anotado por cwbarrows hace casi 8 años

@jhammock how 'bout it?

Anotado por treegrow hace casi 8 años

Wow, even more interest than I had hoped there would be.
@stevejones I can't believe I left you off the initial post. Please forgive the oversight.
So, from my experience mid to late August is normally best, but as @treegrow stated it all depends on the monsoon pattern of that year. The monsoon can start in July so a if they are late by August they have normally hit.

I can go any time after Aug 8th, and possibly the week prior. Giving people the chance to fly in on Saturday and out the following Sunday we have these options for those who want to do the full timeframe:
Aug 6 - 12 (difficult for me)
Aug 12 - 19
Aug 20 - 26
Aug 27 - Sept 2 (Labor Day Weekend)

If you can only come for part that is fine too. I'll probably get to Tucson the Friday night or Saturday midday before the start so if you arrive early on Saturday you can plan on a night trip that Saturday!
So, which week works for the most people?

Anotado por finatic hace casi 8 años

I may visit AZ sometime in the monsoon season, but may not be able to make it to this particular organized outing - sounds like a great idea though! But after over 15 years of visiting SE Arizona in the monsoon, I can attest that the sky islands in August should be full of life, and very rewarding if you're interested in arthropods, plants, birds, herps...even interesting fungi in the right places. To all those that can make it - have fun!!

Anotado por rwaayers hace casi 8 años

I'll be in Costa Rica for a week of dragonflies in July; areas around Tucson can be great for Odes. Can't commit at this point, but would love to come.

Anotado por leslie_flint hace casi 8 años

I'm flexible.

Anotado por biohexx1 hace casi 8 años

I'm flexible but would prefer to avoid the holiday weekend.

Anotado por muir hace casi 8 años

@lonnyholmes You might be interested in this as well.

Anotado por matthew_salkiewicz hace casi 8 años

August is still the slow time at the refuge so I can make any of those weeks work.

Anotado por matthew_salkiewicz hace casi 8 años

Definitely interested. I'll tag Peggy here too

Anotado por gyrrlfalcon hace casi 8 años
Anotado por gyrrlfalcon hace casi 8 años

Interested in continuing to get updates on this trip!

Anotado por bouteloua hace casi 8 años

I tried to go and I can also invite some friends from Mexico
@aztekium, @alexis-lh, @hugoalvarezg, @d_b, @francisco3, @juancarlosgarciamorales1, @pacof, @agnishino, @tereka_lasso, @manuelnevarez, @silvino_ed
@magazhu It's hard for you, but you can try. ;)

Anotado por juancruzado hace casi 8 años

Holyyyy... I will go if I have a chance, I am just starting in a new job, but, I will love to be part of this! Thanks @juancruzado for sharing this!

Anotado por aztekium hace casi 8 años

Dang. This would be EPIC. I've never been to SE Arizona so I would have tons of new birds just to start. All the other stuff would just be icing for me. I'm keeping this in mind for sure. Last first and last weeks of the month are usually difficult for me to get time off so the 20-26 would likely be my best bet. The Western Field Ornithologists conference is the 16th-20th but I might have to blow that off if I can only fit one in.

Anotado por vermfly hace casi 8 años

Thank you @ juancruzado for the invitation. I'm not sure where I'm going to be at that time, it could be California or somewhere else. I'd love to join the group if I can.
I've been in Nevada , Utah, Oregon and California and some parts of Arizona but not over there . It sounds great to me . I'll keep in touch.

Anotado por juancarlosgarciam... hace casi 8 años

Gracias @juancruzado por los otros gente.
There are so many great people here on iNat and Naturalista that I can't remember all of them. Please add people that might want to come.
@vermfly You must attend since you've not been there before. There's so much more there then the birds you'll get at WFO.

Anotado por finatic hace casi 8 años

Wow, this amount of interest if incredible. Please keep me in the loop. If I am available I would love to come.

Anotado por pileated hace casi 8 años

@carlos2 @negronahual @roberto_arreola @elizatorres
What do you think about this?

Anotado por aztekium hace casi 8 años

@finatic That's my thought. I really enjoy the WFO meetings but SE Arizona has so many potential life birds for me. Plus all the herps I could get. It would be hard to pass that up.

Anotado por vermfly hace casi 8 años

I can do any of those dates at this point. ;-)

Anotado por grnleaf hace casi 8 años

Sounds great! I'm interested, I'll follow the incoming information closely!

Anotado por d_b hace casi 8 años

I know the area on the Mexican side and it is incredible; Although now in Mexico it is difficult to work there, it would be a great experience in addition to meeting many people who share the same liking for nature

Anotado por juancruzado hace casi 8 años

I would love to join you but will be unlikely to be able to do so. Ironically enough I may actually be in that area around the end of July but am committed to participate in a field class at the Southwest research station. You should have a great time, there is no better time to visit SE Arizona.

Anotado por gcsnelling hace casi 8 años

The Western Field Ornithologists Conference is in Pueblo, Colorado from 16–20 August, 2017. I might want to drive there and then do the bioblitz before or after.

Anotado por natureali hace casi 8 años

Thanks for tagging me into the discussion. I live here and might be available to rendezvous with iNatters/Naturalistas on some of the activities, though it's also a very busy time of year with hummingbird banding, tours, festivals, etc. It would be great to meet any of you who are able to come and spend some time in the field with you.

Anotado por fg2hummingbirds hace casi 8 años

Looking forward to having as many of you as possible on this outing! BJ ad I have learned a ton about SEAZ over the years, and it would be great to share it with so many of you. It is an amazing place, perhaps the best overall biodiversity location in the US, and maybe even North America.

Anotado por jaykeller hace casi 8 años

Oh wow! Thanks for adding me to the thread. My health is extremely unpredictable so there's no way I can commit now. But this sounds amazing and I will think about it! :)

Anotado por inkie hace casi 8 años

Thanks @juancruzado for tagging me into the conversation. I'm living in Sonora, Mexico, so sounds very good for me jeje.

Well, i follow this discussion for more information. Thanks you!

Anotado por tereka hace casi 8 años

I would especially enjoy meeting some of the Mexican naturalists!!! Such amazing observations come out of Mexico -- I'm quite envious.

As of right now, my August is relatively open. I'm probably not going to be able to stay the whole week, but I definitely want to come to some of this.

As a date is selected, be sure to let everyone know -- the sooner we can get a date narrowed down, the more likely that more of us can come (planning earlier is great).

Anotado por sambiology hace casi 8 años

Interested! Will be in Alaska at the end of that month so will have to see how it pans out.

Anotado por swbirder hace casi 8 años

yeah, sounds awesome. I will try my darnedest :)

Anotado por jhammock hace casi 8 años

What does the majority want?

Aug 12 - 19
Aug 20 - 26

Anotado por finatic hace casi 8 años

I don't think I have any preference although potentially I still won't have a car by then.

How about we all just move there permanently ;)

Anotado por silversea_starsong hace casi 8 años

Hey James...I'll give ya a ride....

Anotado por robberfly hace casi 8 años

Appreciate the offer! We'll see what happens.

Anotado por silversea_starsong hace casi 8 años

I'm taking a Dragonfly Class in Costa Rica for two weeks in July. I'll vote for Aug. 20th week.

Anotado por robberfly hace casi 8 años

Aug 20th week for me too!

And I can also give James a ride from SoCal :)

Anotado por bbunny hace casi 8 años

Aug 20 - 26 sounds great. :)

Anotado por sambiology hace casi 8 años

20-26 is preferred.

Anotado por bouteloua hace casi 8 años

The 20-26th works for me too.

Anotado por matthew_salkiewicz hace casi 8 años

20-26 sounds good to me.

Anotado por natureali hace casi 8 años

Typically the later the better for the big elephant beetles! ;-)

And the three Chrysinas should be active throughout August:

It varies from year-to-year, but that's just a taste of what is possible during that time of year, if you are into beetles!

Anotado por jaykeller hace casi 8 años

Works for me. Maybe we can arrange carpooling.

Anotado por kimssight hace casi 8 años

We should...focus on...a week good for majority: subjective " best-for-certain-species" would, obviously, Never be resolved...

Anotado por robberfly hace casi 8 años

No way to truly predict anything down to the week, as it all depends on when the monsoons hit, and how much. But, August is a great time to get all sorts of interesting things, so there would be no shortage of amazing critters and plants if that is your thing.

Anotado por jaykeller hace casi 8 años

@stevejones you would be an amazing plant resource for this outing if you could make it.

Anotado por jaykeller hace casi 8 años

@nathantaylor7583 you need to come out and get your Euphorbia on!

Anotado por jaykeller hace casi 8 años

Sounds like a lot of fun if I can make it.

Anotado por nathantaylor hace casi 8 años

I am leading a monthly bird walk on August 26th so I would have to be back in Sacramento by then.

Anotado por vermfly hace casi 8 años

I would love to come but I won't know if I can make it until next summer, since I don't know where I'll be working next year.

Anotado por belinda hace casi 8 años

Thanks for tagging me here, @muir. I'm very interested in attending if I can. My only major trip to SE AZ was many years ago when I was just into birds and I can't imagine the diversity I didn't even know to look for!

Anotado por calopteryx hace casi 8 años

Definitely interested! I'm flexible as to which week.

Anotado por sea-kangaroo hace casi 8 años

I'm interested. Keep me in the loop!

Anotado por pbedell hace casi 8 años

I'm interested. I just have to check and see if that falls within prime time at work, which would make it a little trickier to commit until the vacation request gets passed around.

Anotado por berkshirenaturalist hace casi 8 años

I'm usually in France in August :(

Anotado por patsimpson2000 hace casi 8 años

I worked in Portal off and on for 5 years back in the 80's, so I've forgotten anything I once knew. I'm interested, but don't know if I can schedule it around work. I'll try though.

Anotado por lfelliott hace casi 8 años

@desertdutchman @southwestwanderer @mjskinner @ck2az @carianne are all in or near the Old Pueblo (Tucson) and hopefully can join in. There's also a cadre of Phoenicians I'll let know as details finalize. I'll be there for at least the Santa Ritas if I can get away, and hope to see some of the Huachucas and Chiricahuas as well. Never been to the latter two, but feel I know them from virtually visiting them via iNaturalist and SEINet.

Anotado por stevejones hace casi 8 años

I am likely able to participate. Sounds fun! I live in Tucson so any destination in SE AZ works for me. Love herping and owling at night, then birding in the early morning with plants here and there. Lets do it!

Anotado por southwestwanderer hace casi 8 años

Most everyone who responded with a desired week has chosen Aug 20 - 26 so those will be the dates. I've started a new thread journal entry at
where I'll be posting the itinerary and other important information.

Wow, just over 100 people have been tagged into this thread. If you want to be removed please message me and I'll do so from future messages.
@agnishino @alexis-lh @aztekium @bbunny @belinda @berkshirenaturalist @biohexx1 @borisb @botanygirl @bouteloua @calopteryx @carianne @carlos2 @carrieseltzer @cedric_lee @charlie @ck2az @congonaturalist @cwbarrows @d_b @desertdutchman @dhobern @dkavanaugh @dpom @duarte @elizatorres @ericisley @erikfunk @fg2hummingbirds @francisco3 @fyn_kynd @gbentall @gcsnelling @gcwarbler @gerardo_marron @gonzalezii @grnleaf @gtsalmon @gyrrlfalcon @herptracker @hughmcguinness @hugoalvarezg @icosahedron @inkie @jakob @jaykeller @jcabbott @jhammock @jimjohnson @john8 @joyceg @juancarlosgarciamorales1 @juancruzado @judygva @justinscioli @kevinhintsa @kimssight @kpmcfarland @kschnei @kucycads @kueda @leannewallisbiologist @leslie_flint @loarie @lonnyholmes @magazhu @manuelnevarez @maractwin @matthew_salkiewicz @mchlfx @mhedin @mjskinner @mlodinow @muir @nathantaylor7583 @natureali @negronahual @nhmordenana @pacof @pbedell @pileated @rachelshoop @robberfly @roberto_arreola @royaltyler @rwaayers @ryanandrews @sambiology @screws @sea-kangaroo @silversea_starsong @silvino_ed @southwestwanderer @stevejones @swbirder @temminicki @tereka_lasso @treegrow @varajuan @vermfly @zabbey

Anotado por finatic hace casi 8 años

Hope to be there.

Anotado por icosahedron hace casi 8 años

It sounds like such a great time, but I think I will have used up my travel time and funds on a return to Baja in spring. I'm looking forward to seeing what you all find!

Anotado por gbentall hace casi 8 años

already looking forward to it!

Anotado por bbunny hace casi 8 años

I should have included @entomo-logic on the Tucson list.

Anotado por stevejones hace casi 8 años

I love the idea and we would like to join you, but I won't know my late August obligations until later in the year. Please keep me in the loop, BJ.

Anotado por dpom hace casi 8 años

@finatic I really like the idea, but I probably won't be able to be there next year. Looking forward for all of your observations, though!

Anotado por duarte hace casi 8 años

I'm quite sure I will participate -- at least in the daylight hours! Sounds like a superb opportunity to learn from experts.

Anotado por desertdutchman hace casi 8 años

I'm on board also

Anotado por ck2az hace casi 8 años

Hello Stacey aka @finatic , thank you for the invitation, but I am living at Mexico City and I think it would be a little difficult for me to participate unless my boss gave me permision and the fundindg, he, he. Greetings

Anotado por roberto_arreola hace casi 8 años

I'm interested to keep in the loop on this - there may be a way for Sky Island Alliance to get involved!

Anotado por carianne hace casi 8 años
Anotado por pileated hace casi 8 años

This sounds like a great trip and to chance to meet to some of my inat friends in person. Count me in.

Anotado por hfabian hace casi 8 años

Sorry I don't check my messages very often... This sounds amazing. I might be limited due to school but I would love to do this!

Anotado por rachelshoop hace mas de 7 años
Anotado por pileated hace mas de 7 años

@nlblock @mickley Not sure if you guys saw this.

Anotado por berkshirenaturalist hace mas de 7 años
Anotado por berkshirenaturalist hace mas de 7 años

I'm interested and might be able to help lead a small group for herps, mammals, and/or birds. I live in Phoenix and am pretty familiar with some of these areas. I'd probably only be able to join on weekend days (including Friday-Sunday).

Anotado por tsirtalis hace mas de 7 años

definitely interested and I'm sure @gaudettelaura is! Keep us in the loop.

Anotado por joannerusso hace mas de 7 años
Anotado por berkshirenaturalist hace mas de 7 años

My other summer naturalist trip is not happening this year, so it looks like I get to come on this one. Looking forward to the birds, butterflies, and everything else. Plus meeting more iNat people in person!

Anotado por maractwin hace mas de 7 años

That's great news for us @maractwin though I think you would prefer the warm tropical waters somewhere.

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 7 años

What? There's no coral reefs in Arizona?

Anotado por maractwin hace mas de 7 años

I'm all about this as long as I'm in the general area. Looking for a job heckin' hard. Why isn't my M.A. helping me?! haha.

Anotado por codyhough hace mas de 7 años

Yes, A lot of strange plants that have specific insect predators. I wanted to call one the Stinking Milk Vetch Weevil.

Anotado por james5 hace mas de 7 años

It seems that people who are going from Mexico will be few, but with much enthusiasm to participate :)

Anotado por juancruzado hace mas de 7 años

@juancruzado I hope that you are one of the people coming. The more naturalists from Mexico the better! And perhaps, someone in Mexico will plan an event for next year.
Espero que seas una de las personas que vienen. Cuantos más naturalistas de México mejor! Y posiblemente, alguien en México planea un evento para el próximo año.

@maractwin I bet if we look really hard we could find you a place to go swimming. Hopefully lots of rocks work instead of coral.

@codyhough Good luck with teh job hunt. You'll know it's right if you can negotiate time off for this. LOL.

@james5 Yes, the plants and insects out there are very different from other places in the US. I love that area for that reason.

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 7 años

@codyhough what type of job? Maybe some of us can keep our eyes and ears open.

Anotado por royaltyler hace mas de 7 años

I think it's now safe to say that I'm in for this trip and can start planning my trip out there. Looking forward to the adventure.

Anotado por berkshirenaturalist hace mas de 7 años

@royaltyler Sort of complicated. My M.A. is in Diplomacy but I also have a lot of experience working for the Parks system and ecology in general.

Prior to this I worked with both the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps VISTA so I've been looking a lot at Volunteer Management positions. But I'd pretty much take anything in any 3 of those spots. Keeping an eye out would be great!

@finatic Yeah, if I can get time off that'd be pretty cool. I'd be okay with just getting a job though ;)

Anotado por codyhough hace mas de 7 años

@codyhough I have heard of several good ones lately around here, but with your background check out this site

I have followed them for years thinking they would be a good place to try.

Anotado por royaltyler hace mas de 7 años

@royaltyler Thanks. I used to donate to them, don't know why I didn't think to look at their job postings.

Anotado por codyhough hace mas de 7 años

I have asked for the time off so it looks if my health holds out, I will be going. I do hope we will be working the Chihuahuas as I have accommodations arranged in Portal.

Anotado por natureali hace mas de 7 años

@sclerobunus @jsatler Let's do this!

Anotado por pileated hace mas de 7 años

@natureali The Chiricahuas will be in the route for a day or two but we won't be there the entire time. I'm working on getting the schedule together and hope to have it posted soon.

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 7 años

@finatic thanks B.J. Lots of camping available in the Chihuahuas in the forest and the monument. Same for the Huachucas.

Anotado por natureali hace mas de 7 años

BBC has a neat article on some of the area where we will be on this adventure.

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 7 años
Anotado por pileated hace mas de 7 años

fyi i am totally jealous :)

Anotado por charlie hace mas de 7 años

Hey Finatic,
It would be great if you could post an itinerary soon so we can start making plans and reservations. I'm not sure if I can make all or part of it until I can cost it out. Thanks!!

Anotado por grnleaf hace mas de 7 años

I'll be posting it this evening! I just finished it up last night and wanted to double-check a few things before doing so.

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 7 años
Anotado por biohexx1 hace mas de 7 años


Anotado por grnleaf hace mas de 7 años

I'm going to have to start ordering another 10 camera batteries!

Anotado por silversea_starsong hace mas de 7 años

I am still sad to miss this, but don't forget that you all will be able to see a partial solar eclipse on Monday, August 21! I'll be in South Carolina to experience the total eclipse. Tons of citizen science opportunities during the eclipse, too:

Anotado por carrieseltzer hace mas de 7 años

There is confirmed life on the moon? LOL!

Anotado por jaykeller hace mas de 7 años

Once you've make your travel plans to join the group please send me a message and let me know that you're coming, what days you'll be there, your cellphone number and how many people will be with you. I'm going to create a text group so that we can all easily keep in touch during the trip. Not everyone will be caravaning together, some people are coming in on different days, etc, so this will be the easiest way to keep everyone in the know of what is happening.

Many of the areas where we will be will not have cellphone coverage, but at least once a day I'll be sure to check the text group for messages and I'll send something out each night with the meeting time for the next morning. This time will change depending on how late we stay out with the bug sheet.

Is anyone from Mexico coming? If so, I'll try to work something out so that you don't have to have a US cellphone.
¿Viene alguien de México? Si es así, trataré de resolver algo para que no tengas que tener un teléfono móvil estadounidense.

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 7 años

Yo no se si alguien más de México irá, pero yo sigo listo y en espera de la fecha para poder ir.
Yo trataré de preguntar acá en México quien más va y en cuanto sepa quienes están interesados, te avisamos.

I do not know if anyone else from Mexico will go, but I'm still ready and waiting for the date to be able to go.
I will try to ask here in Mexico who goes further and as soon as I know who are interested, we will let you know.

Anotado por juancruzado hace mas de 7 años

Thank you Juan. I look forward to meeting you and hopefully other from Mexico too.
Gracia Juan. Espero con mucho gusto que te conozca y otro gente de Mexico tambien.

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 7 años

Are there any types of forest or such anywhere near where we will all be? I would love to do a night search some evening for snails and slugs (if there are any slugs) I thought I just read that there are over 200 species of snails in the state? Is that so? There is a Pallifera species there I would like to find if possible though I'll be happy finding just about anything. There is a description of the type of forest it is found in. and here's a map

Anotado por berkshirenaturalist hace mas de 7 años

You will be in areas which should house the animals you are interested in, the question will be whether or not the weather will cooperate.

Anotado por gcsnelling hace mas de 7 años

@berkshirenaturalist Yes, there are snails and we will be in the right areas for some of the species. All of the mountian ranges that we will be visiting I believe are considered to be Madrean sky islands.
There's a nice project set-up for them:

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 7 años

I'm still hoping to get a ride from southern CA so I can join in on this event. If anyone or any group coming down doesn't mind, it would be greatly appreciated.

I have not yet attended an iNat meetup nor have I made it to AZ this would be a great opportunity to tick both off the bucket list ;)

Anotado por silversea_starsong hace mas de 7 años

@silversea_starsong You haven't made it to AZ yet? Oh boy we need to change that!

So it looks like unless something major changes I'll be joining in on the festivities! I live up in Flagstaff and if anyone wants to come up to the peaks or see the grand canyon, page, etc. before or after the event let me know, we have an extra bed, couch and blow up! Side note if anyone is into fishing let me know and I can show you around some of my spots :P

Anotado por codyhough hace mas de 7 años

Also who all has mercury vapor lamps, and black lights? I have 1 small low power black light but it really hasn't gotten too much attention before so I'm hoping we can get something together!

Anotado por codyhough hace mas de 7 años

I will have a blacklight, but more lights would be better. @codyhough I'll have to take you up on your offer one of these days, though I can't do so this August.

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 7 años

I have a pretty good 1000w metal hallide setup but it would require a power source. Might be a bit of a hassle with all the road traveling I'll be doing but could do it if anyone knows a place that could provide power or if someone closer can't provide one.. I also have a small black light set up that I definitely will have with me but it can be hit or miss. Have photographed a hundred different things at it and sometimes under 30.

Anotado por berkshirenaturalist hace mas de 7 años

I will have a black light as well, but wanted to offer some thoughts to address berkshire's and other questions on the thread. Firstly, there really are no available power sources unless you bring your own. BJ and I tend to use the portable power packs (Google it) that "normal" people might keep in their cars to provide emergency power when needed, such as a jump start. These have pros and cons. The pros include that they are silent (unlike NOISY generators that can drive you crazy as they kill the peace of the remote outdoors) and compact, so they are generally easy to transport and use. The cons are that they need to be re-charged after each use, depending on how many lights you have plugged in, and most of them aren't quite powerful enough to power higher wattage (especially white) lights. They tend to last about one evening with one light, so if you bring your own light system, you will also need to bring your own power source. Did I mention that generators stink? :-)

Also, if you don't have any experience with attracting insects with lights but would like to get involved, I encourage you to review the various online resources that discuss this. Insects are attracted primarily to certain types/wavelengths of light such as mercury vapor and UV, while other types are not attractive at all. I have seen sheets with one type of light with almost nothing on them when 100 yards away a sheet with a different wavelength light is loaded with insects. While not required, if you are not sure, buying insect lights from a biological supply house such as BioQuip is a good idea to help ensure the equipment you are using will be successful in attracting insects.

Equipment aside, the weather conditions and moon phases are extremely critical in determining what type of evening you will have around the light. You can prepare all you like, but as we've experienced in the past, if a cold front with monsoon comes in right around dark, the entire night can be ruined, especially if it never re-warms. That said, we've also had decent nights in the rain, so it is a bit of a crapshoot and it is a good idea to at least try for a while. After about 30 minutes, you tend to know whether it will be a good night or not. The other thing to know about SEAZ during monsoon season is that the actual rains tend to be very localized, so a check of the radar maps just before sunset can be extremely helpful to avoid being caught out in the rain/wind, but sometimes these things develop out of nothing right on top of you and can't be avoided.

All of that said, August is peak season in SEAZ for night insects, so unless the conditions are horrible, you should expect to see at least a decent sheet of bugs. However, if conditions are right, the sheet can literally be covered with tens of thousands of insects such that almost no white shows. Those are the fun nights that can last until sunrise where at least one person is flushing a wasp out of his/her ear (happeneds to me at least annually!). I'm looking forward to it again this year, and to sharing it with all of you who can make it.

Anotado por jaykeller hace mas de 7 años

Here is what I have for a blacklight set-up, and Jay's only differs with the battery pack.

UV Light and way to charge it. I have one but the more we can have hanging the better with multiple people in a group. The AC and DC Night Collecting Lights at BioQuip are ideal for this as they can be plugged into a portable battery or a vehicle 12-volt DC system.
This is the battery that I use:

More is under the "What to bring" section in the following post

Anotado por finatic hace mas de 7 años

Oh my... I will be so sad, not to attend to this trip :'(

Anotado por aztekium hace mas de 7 años

Ok I'll scratch the big rig and will have my portable black light set up anyway which is a part of my road trip travel package anyway. I use a converter and run it off the battery of my Jeep. Anywhere the Jeep can go the bug light can go. I use a pvc frame system with a white sheet. It has done me well and can be torn down quickly should it happen to rain or pour. If we won't need it, I'll have it on hand either way.

Anotado por berkshirenaturalist hace mas de 7 años

Good point on the ability to plug the BioQuip lights into the car. I have only done it a few times for brief periods out of fear that it might kill my battery and strand me, but that won't be as much of a concern with other people/vehicles around to help.

Anotado por jaykeller hace mas de 7 años

I have been using the bioquip units for years and never had a problem with them draining the batteries. Also if you are collecting at elevation it can get downright cold.

Anotado por gcsnelling hace mas de 7 años

A big maybe at this point.

Anotado por mchlfx hace mas de 7 años

Monsoon season kicking off nicely in SEAZ. The better this is, the better the flora and fauna we'll find in August:

We'll be keeping an eye on the data at Rainlog to determine where the most monsoonal activity occurrs during the season:


Anotado por jaykeller hace mas de 7 años

I'm interested in going. I anticipate flying in from LAX to TUS, but if there are enough of us from Socal (@silversea_starsong , @bbunny , who else?) willing to carpool I'm interested in hearing ideas. I don't think my car would be viable for long distances (plus it doesn't have AC) but I'd be willing to help out on gas and/or driving some of the way. I'd like to know sooner rather rather later since I'm sure airfare prices will increase as the dates get closer and I don't want to end up having to book a more expensive flight at the last minute. I'll probably rent a car when I get to Tuscon, though I am completely unfamiliar with AZ and the areas that everyone plans on going so I'm not sure what kind of vehicle would be recommended.

I haven't figured out accommodations yet and I'm not sure where to begin with that. I'd be curious to know what everyone else is doing in that regard. Personally I'd prefer doing hotels/airbnbs over camping, and preferably affordable ones, though I wouldn't object to perhaps camping for one night if it is more convenient. If I end up booking a places with multiple rooms I'd be open to sharing accommodations if anyone would be interested.

Anotado por psyllidhipster hace mas de 7 años

@psyllidhipster, BJ posted a great deal of helpful info in December at the below link, and I think all of your questions can be answered there:

Anotado por jaykeller hace mas de 7 años

Is there a date set for this at all yet?

Anotado por codyhough hace mas de 7 años

I'll be in Kenya then. Maybe next year. I'm sure you'll all have a great time!

Anotado por hfabian hace mas de 7 años

It is unlikely I will be able to attend, but keep me on the list of posts. You never know...

Anotado por kimssight hace mas de 7 años

OK, we're just about 3 weeks away from what I've been looking forward to for about a year. Just a reminder, once you're positive that you're coming please send me a message so that I can keep track of the number people. There are a couple of things that are in the planning stages where knowing that information will be useful. Plus, this way I can get you added to the group messaging app so that you can keep in touch during the event.

One of the things still in the planning is on August 22nd. The Coronado National Memorial is holding a pollinator survey. We are asked to attend a welcome and safety meeting at 9:00am at the visitor center. This event will last all day and into the night with the staff there setting up bug traps (we can add ours too). Those who want can stay there all day or come or come and go as you wish. This is a great way to have our citizen science through iNaturalist help some professional biologists. I've been working with @skyislandalliance on having our group join in on this.

Anotado por finatic hace cerca de 7 años

Going to miss this. Sounds so exciting. Hope everyone has a great and safe trip. Keep me in the loop on future outings.

Anotado por mchlfx hace cerca de 7 años

I won't be able to make it either. It's after the Fall semester begins.

Anotado por biohexx1 hace cerca de 7 años

I can't make it, due to the semester starting, but I will be watching the results as they pour in!

Anotado por gyrrlfalcon hace cerca de 7 años

@gyrrlfalcon This is the ultimate bioblitz and you can't make it. It just won't be the same without you.
Sorry Hector and Michael too are going to miss it.

Anotado por finatic hace cerca de 7 años

I'm not going to be able to make it either. I had hoped to, but it's a busy time of year for me and logistics are becoming too difficult.

Anotado por maractwin hace cerca de 7 años

I'm definitely coming, but I haven't worked out any of the transportation/lodging logistics yet. I'm staying with friends when we're in Tucson but still need to figure out lodging while we're in the Chiricahuas/Hauchucas. I can get a room wherever my travel companions are staying. I am open to mixed-gender bunking, but I can also get a room by myself. There should be plenty of rooms available in late August in SE AZ. Do we know how many people will be bringing cars and how many seats there will be for extra passengers? If there isn't room in other people's cars, I'm open to sharing a rental, but I would prefer not to be the renter/driver because I don't own a car so would have to buy expensive insurance. I think @muir is the only other person who has expressed interest in sharing a rental so far. @muir are you still interested, and is the MarshMan coming with you?

Anotado por treegrow hace cerca de 7 años

I'm going and intend on renting a car for the duration. I've booked lodging, for convenience' sake at the same hotels BJ outlines here:
with exception of the nights of 8/20 and 8/21, on which nights I have nothing reserved yet. One such option available for those days is
which sleeps up to 5, and if 5 of us do split the cost it would be the most affordable option that I've found for those nights (excluding camping, but I'd prefer having a real bed and electricity to charge my camera batteries etc). Would this option appeal to anyone?

And it goes without saying that if anybody is staying at or near the same hotels/etc. and they don't have transportation I'd be willing to give them a lift.

Anotado por psyllidhipster hace cerca de 7 años

@psyllidhipster I might be up for that. That's Sunday Monday right? @treegrow I'm doing a crazy road trip out of the whole thing. I will have my jeep and may have room for and extra person.

Anotado por berkshirenaturalist hace cerca de 7 años

I'm not going to be able to make it either, but I will be excited to see what you all find (and also very jealous)!

Anotado por bbunny hace cerca de 7 años

As long as nothing changes I'll be arriving on Wednesday (8/23) around 9pm so definitely keep me in the loop of where you'll be setting up black lights that night so I can meet up with you guys when I get there.

Anotado por matthew_salkiewicz hace cerca de 7 años

Will there be a project? Or some way to track you're work?

Anotado por mchlfx hace cerca de 7 años

i love how this is basically a roaming bioblitz

Anotado por charlie hace cerca de 7 años

It'd be awesome to have a project for this! I'm fairly sure that I'm coming.

Anotado por nathantaylor hace cerca de 7 años

Alas, looks like I will not be able to make. Hope you all have awesome fun

Anotado por mlodinow hace cerca de 7 años

@charlie that's the way we roll. Maximize the biodiversity!

@nathantaylor7583 it will be fantastic to finally meet you. Lots of great Euphorbias to be had!

@mlodinow it is very lamentable that you will not be able to attend.

Anotado por jaykeller hace cerca de 7 años

Yes, I will be creating a project for this (hopefully) epic outing. Some of my favorite users aren't going to be able to attend and that will damper it a bit, but I'm sure we'll find a way to have a great time without them.

Anotado por finatic hace cerca de 7 años

Best to you All - my su-chef years 2 decades ago at moth sheets along the Border there. Jaw-dropping beauty every few minutes at those sheets. I wish
All You iNaters evenings-of-wonder there.

Anotado por robberfly hace cerca de 7 años

I'm in! Arriving night of Saturday the 19th, and leaving early am on Sunday the 27th. I haven't figured out rooms and transport yet, so I'll post on the other journal post. Very much looking forward to it.

Anotado por muir hace cerca de 7 años

Alright, 15 people have confirmed being at the iNat-athon in a few weeks. If you haven't received a message from me with the text group invitation then I don't have you on the confirmed list. It's not too late to make plans to attend.

Anotado por finatic hace cerca de 7 años

I've been trying to work it out but unfortunately I'm not going to make it. I hope everyone has a blast.

Anotado por vermfly hace cerca de 7 años
Anotado por finatic hace cerca de 7 años

When are folks going to start putting observations in the project? Those of us trying to live vicariously while at work need some observations to feast on!

Anotado por gyrrlfalcon hace cerca de 7 años

oh, i wanna see too! Sky island plants!

Anotado por charlie hace cerca de 7 años

I probably won't get any of mine added until I get back home. So many observations to process.

Anotado por nathantaylor hace cerca de 7 años

i forget most other power users don't use the app. I get mine up pretty fast (but without the stupid auto upload)

Anotado por charlie hace cerca de 7 años

I use the app a lot but I upgrade the photos to some taken with my DSLR before posting most of them.

Anotado por royaltyler hace cerca de 7 años

makes sense... i just never have the time or motivation to do that :) I do wish there were a way to upload just to 'draft mode' and then post them to the site after reviewing them. Otherwise I always get a few that get mis-tagged or have other issues and other people have to fix them before i get to them.

Anotado por charlie hace cerca de 7 años

FYI to everyone attached/following here, there's going to be a bioblitz/gathering in Southwest Texas around Del Rio on April 5 - 8 (roughly). Lots of details to come, but I did want to toss it out there, so you can toss it on the calendar:

Of course, no obligations, but if you want to, chime in on that journal entry. It won't be nearly as hardcore as this one or as hardcore as the upcoming one in Mexico next year, but it should be pretty fun! :)

Anotado por sambiology hace cerca de 7 años

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