Archivos de Diario para febrero 2014

05 de febrero de 2014

Geo-171-2014 Homework #2

The first observation I made a few weeks back in January falls under the iconic taxa of Plant, since it is a flower which I have been informed is a member of the Genus Impatiens. My second observation, which took place this afternoon as I was walking to work falls under the iconic taxa of Mammal, since it is a Squirrel. What I found unique about this squirrel is the fact that it had a black mark on its body, which I had not seen on any of the other squirrels around Berkeley. My final observation, which took place this evening as I was walking through campus falls under the iconic taxa of Insect, since it is a Fly.

Publicado el 05 de febrero de 2014 a las 05:49 AM por dross3 dross3 | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de febrero de 2014

Phenology Exercise

The first plant I observed exemplified a Flowering plant without any flowers. There were similar plants in the area that still contained flowers but this one in particular had already shed them. The second plant I observed contained an abundant amount of flowers that still seemed to be blooming despite the weather changes. The third plant I observed contained solely leaves and there were barely any missing, which signifies how this plant is leafed out. The final plant I observed was completely bare, with no leaves or flowers.

Publicado el 14 de febrero de 2014 a las 05:49 AM por dross3 dross3 | 4 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
