Archivos de Diario para marzo 2012

08 de marzo de 2012

23 February 2012

1300 hours. The Evergreen State College Beach trail. Starting at parking lot F. It has been cold and raining. The morning was beautiful and sunny at 9 degrees Celsius but when we started the walk it began to rain on us and the clouds rolled in. John Villella was our guest today and he took us for a nice Bryophyte walk. When we first began to walk along the trail the habitat was mostly deciduous trees, Salal, and Ivy. We stopped at a Big Leaf Maple tree and John mentioned there were probably 30 species of Bryophytes on that tree. I admired the amount of diversity on just that one tree. We looked at Porella and Orthotrichum. I collected an Orthotrichem off of a fallen Maple twig. I also collected a liverwort that look like it had tiny hands when examined under the hand lens. We passed by an over turned stump and I collected what I have been told was Atrichum selwynii. I will take it back to the lab to determine if that was the correct species. It was a small acrocarp growing amongst many more individuals. We examined the stump and John found many small and somewhat rare mosses. Along the stream bank we examined liverworts and discussed the differences of morphologies among the same family of liverworts and I found that to be very interesting. I collected a red-brown liverwort off of a Maple tree. I also collected a large, green, wet liverwort off of the same Maple tree.

Publicado el 08 de marzo de 2012 a las 09:32 PM por dkennedy dkennedy | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

13 de marzo de 2012

1 March 2012

Glacier Heritage Prairie. Thurston County, Washington. 1100 hours. 7 degrees celcius. It snowed last night but has been raining for weeks. The ground is wet and covered in snow. We are here to look for epimerals in the prairie. We recently learned about earlt colonizers and since this prairie is a known disturbed area with fires, we feel confident we might find some rare Bryophytes. I collected a moss from an Oak tree. It was fan moss, green, and feathery. I collected a Polytrichum from the side of the prairie raod. It has clear-white awns with a short, red seta and orange calyptra. I collected a liverwort from the middle of a moss mat off of an oak tree. It was dark green and leafy. Very small and I do not think I have seen this liverwort before.

Publicado el 13 de marzo de 2012 a las 05:57 PM por dkennedy dkennedy | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

8 March 2012

The Evergreen State College. Parking Lot B. 1300 hours. 10 degrees Celsius. We walked along the edge of the parking lot in order to plan our moss walk for the 15th. We had a beautiful walk because the sun was shinning and the moss walk with the public will be a lot of fun. I collected Dendroalsia off of a Maple tree along the trail to the organc farm. I collected Kindbergia praelonga that was growing in a small mat mixed in with a huge mat of Kindbergia oregana. These growing along the cement walkway. I collected Electrified Cat's tail from the same walkway but on the other side. I also collected Aulacomnium from a rotting Cedar stump. This is the first time I was able to recognize this moss in the field. I collected a green, leafy liverwort off of a Maple on the way to the organic farm.

Publicado el 13 de marzo de 2012 a las 06:02 PM por dkennedy dkennedy | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
