Playing catchup.
I wonder about the geology of that ridge of boulders @raylantalbot ?
I only realised today I can use my iNat calendar in map mode to see exactly where we walked. The rocks ridge out to sea, but the landward side is a barrier of loose boulders. Don't see that anywhere else that we walk.
just above the eucalyptus avenue. Really tiny flowers with partly open rain daisy for scale.
Short. Single flower on a bent stalk. A short leaf (bract?) and one leaf. miniata despite being short?
Zoomed in he has caught a fish. And has a trailing crest.
Stripes. Bigger flowers than affinis. Should have got a better picture of the buds / back of the striped petals. We saw 2 plants
Path down from Smitswinkel lookout. Found about 6 plants. Glossy yellow flowers. Some with green leaves, some with spotted red. Broad flat, lightly ribbed, leaf.
but pale green with long curly petals ?
@dianastuder I'm not familiar with the area, but Kommetjie is on quartzite, shale & tillite. Nearby to the east, striking approx E-W is granite and syenite occurrence. I don't know if it occurs as a hill or ridge.
Many hills, ridges etc there are likely to be quartzite (basically a metamorphosed sandstone), and certainly immediately around Kommetjie and jutting out into the sea.
Why do the boulders pile up on the landward side? Extreme high tide?
If they are loose boulders, probably wave, current and tide action I would imagine. If not loose and haven't been moved in any way, they're more than likely in-situ outcrops
From Kommetjie down to Cape Pt, that whole peninsula is almost entirely composed of quartzite, and probably lesser shale and tillite. Simonstown is on a sliver of granite on the east coast.
Gordon Chunnett, an ex Anglo Platinum colleague of mine lives in Cape Town. He enjoys nature and I'm sure he would be happy to help out if required. You can contact him through me.
Thank you. Loose boulders of quartzite.
@raylantalbot much appreciate your info.
But please remove your friend's phone number? This is a public post.
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