Archivos de Diario para agosto 2023

21 de agosto de 2023

ID and Annotation Resources

... have moved to Google Docs

Publicado el 21 de agosto de 2023 a las 08:49 PM por clockwood clockwood | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

30 de agosto de 2023

iNaturalist HTML Tips

Inline Elements

  • cite is for citations; these are displayed in italics.
  • del and ins - intended to show where text has been edited by deleting and inserting it; rendered as strikethrough and underline.
  • abbr, acronym - intended for abbreviations and acronyms; both are displayed as regular text.
  • Make elements visible only to app users: use class=hide. abbr is good for this because it only looks like regular text, eg. "<abbr class=hide>hidden text<abbr>" is rendered as "hidden text" on web browsers.

Block Elements

  • tt - teletype; creates a paragraph of text in monospace font.
  • iframe - for frames, eg. <iframe src="" height="200" width="300" title="Title"></iframe>
  • dl, dt - for description lists, which are not fully implemented (no dd element)


  • use class=table or class=table table-striped to make your tables look better
  • thead goes around a tr to represent it as a header row. th replaces td in the header row to represent the heading itself; currently all this does is make it bold.
  • tfoot replaces a <tr> to represent it as a footer row.

External Objects

  • audio - for embedding audio, eg. <audio controls src="bird.wav">
  • source - you can use this inside audio instead of src=, eg. <audio><source src="bird.wav" type="audio/wav" /></audio>
  • embed - for embedding other types of files, etc; eg. <embed type="image/jpg" src="image.jpg" width="300" height="200"> ; it's better to use more specific elements like img if possible.
  • object - functionally the same as embed as far as I know?
  • param - depreciated; goes inside object to tell you info about it
Publicado el 30 de agosto de 2023 a las 07:54 PM por clockwood clockwood | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario