12 de abril de 2017

Shone Farm #3

Much has changed since the deluge ended in March. The ground had time to absorb water and retains it in some places near the surface. Mosquitos are taking advantage of the residual damp and increasing heat, reproducing en masse. Their wings are audible most of the visit and my next trip to Shone might be earlier, when there are more daytime cues in the understory. Mixed hardwood conifer forest turns riparian at a stream intersection abundant with Trillium and Prosartes. Toxicodendron diverilobum has vastly diverse foliage; surprise, surprise. In cool, shaded patches the leaves are large and green - soaking up occasional rays, in full sun leaves shrink and pigment - deep red with a glistening sheen of urishol. In most species, phenological development is geared towards producing fruits! Flowering is still in large effect and seed pods are becoming as equally as evident as floral appendages. It's refreshing to walk on conifer and oak leaves and aid in decomposition. The detritus is fragrant with the warm day and mild precipitation. New growth is vigorous in the understory and much of the herbaceous material has evidence of forage from animals and insects alike. Herbarium specimens collected from some prolific species.

Publicado el 12 de abril de 2017 a las 11:45 PM por calicanthus calicanthus | 26 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

15 de marzo de 2017

Shone Farm #2

Returning to Shone Farm. There is a die-off occurring in the manzanitas on the northern slopes. Quercus agrifolia and Pseudotsuga mensezii are providing too much shade cover and new bud development is not stimulated. Wooded debris in creek are full of fungi, the head-cut does not appear larger, but downstream blockages look lighter than first visit. Debris might have washed away in the storm. Sequoia sempervirens saplings noted near creek banks - flags near them imply they were planted for a reason, possibly a student project or for erosion control. Arbutus mensezii twisted in long thin spindly shapes to find patches of sun that fall through canopy. Umbellularia callifornia showing blight spots near vineyard property.

Publicado el 15 de marzo de 2017 a las 11:01 PM por calicanthus calicanthus | 8 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Shone Farm #1

Shone Farm: 7450 Steve Olson Ln, Forestville, CA 95436
80 acre portion in north east, abutting Riverfront Regional Park and vineyard property.
~200-240' above sea level: mixed hardwood forest, with gentle canyons and a creek with a head-cut.
There are oaks and conifers dispersed through property with Arctostaphylos and Toxicodendron. The understory has a thick buildup of mast and is soft to walk on. Recent rains have encouraged new herbaceous growth. Most Quercus are building up their buds, kellogii have broken and have young leaves and catkins.

Publicado el 15 de marzo de 2017 a las 10:52 PM por calicanthus calicanthus | 7 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
