Archivos de Diario para marzo 2024

01 de marzo de 2024

Sphenotoma Species and key

Updated 1/3/2024. Index to my other posts.

The purpose of this post is to gather some information about the Sphenotoma species and provide a key to facilitate their identification.

To assist with the Fitzgerald River and Surrounds project I have shown the relevant Local Government Areas in which the species occur (shires of Jerramungup, Kent, Lake Grace and Ravensthorpe):

Sphenotoma Species       Common name LGA
capitata J (not per Florabase but collected there),R
dracophylloides       J,R
drummondii Mountain Paper-heath       None
gracilis Swamp Paper-heath None
parviflora None
sp. Stirling Range None
squarrosa R


  • Upper leaves of flowering shoots usually small, erect and appresed to stem
    • Lower leaves recurved (all leaves recurved on new growth): gracilis
    • Lower leaves not recurved
      • Lower leaves 40–80mm long, robust shrub in grevices on granite: drummondii
      • Lower leaves 35mm long or less
        • Corolla lobes 5–8mm long about equal to tube: capitata
        • Corolla lobes 2–3mm long much shorter than tube: parviflora
  • All leaves spreading
    • Bracts small: sp. Stirling Range
    • Bract large, especially in lower part of inflorescence
      • Corolla lobes 3–3.5mm long shorter than tube: squarrosa
      • Corolla lobes 5mm long about as long as tube: dracophylloides
        Note that leaves of squarrosa are longer than dracophylloides and recurved. Flower spikes of squarossa in spike whereas those of dracophylloides in almost globular head.
Publicado el 01 de marzo de 2024 a las 05:16 AM por boobook99 boobook99 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de marzo de 2024

Melaleucas that aren't!

Updated 8/3/2024. Index to my other posts.

The following table lists the plant species in the Denmark Shire which are included by iNaturalist as Melaleucas but by Florabase as other genera.

Species Melaleuca Notes
Beaufortia decussata transversa Gravel Bottlebrush
Beaufortia micrantha micrantha Little Bottlebrush
Beaufortia sparsa sparsa Swamp Bottlebrush
Calothamnus lateralis alilateralis
Calothamnus preissii preissii
Calothamnus scabridus cabrida
Calothamnus schaueri schaueri
Callistemon glaucus glauca Albany Bottlebrush or Swamp Bottlebrush
Conothamnus neglectus crispii Open shrub, 0.2–1 m high. Fl. yellow, Jul to Sep.
Publicado el 07 de marzo de 2024 a las 10:48 PM por boobook99 boobook99 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

09 de marzo de 2024

Tricky Little Myrtles of Denmark Shire

Updated 25/3/2024. Index to my other posts.

The purpose of this post is to provide some information about the lesser known plants in the Myrtaceae family which occur in Denmark Shire. The following genera are better known and not included: Astartea, Calytrix, Corymbia, Darwinia, Eucalyptus, Hypocalymma, Kunzea, Melaleuca, Taxandria and Verticordia.

Actinodium cunninghamii - Albany Daisy

(c) geoffbyrne, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) Observation

Looking much more like a daisy than a myrtle, Actinodium cunninghamii is the only described specied of the genus. There is however an undescribed phrase name species which may occur in Denmark Shire though it doesn’t appear to have been collected there yet. It is distinguished by its smaller flowers, refer to thebeachcomber’s journal post for more information. Bottom line is if photographing this species be sure to get some measurements or something to provide scale!

Agonis theiformis

(c) Keith Morris, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) Observation

The only remaining species in the Agonis genus in Denmark Shire other than the well known Agonis flexuosa - Western Australian Peppermint. The remaining species, all of which share the characterisitc of having 10 stamens, one opposite each petal and sepal, were moved into the Taxandria genus. This species has 3 or 4 stamens opposite each sepal and has broad leaves which are often a little twisted.

Austrobaeckea pygmaea

(c) Keith Morris, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) Observation

(c) Keith Morris, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) Observation

Formerly Baeckea pygmaea, this species was assigned to the new Austrobaeckea genus in Nuytsia 32:173–197 (2021). The inflorescences have peduncles 4–11 mm long with 1–3 flowers which have pedicels 1.5–2.5 mm long. The flowers are tiny, about 4mm across with between 10 and 25 stamens. With 10 stamens they can look like a Taxandria flower when viewed from the front but the stalks differentiate them.

It is worth noting that Flora of the South West and How to Know Western Australian Wildflowers both incorrectly assert that the species has 10 (or maximum 10) stamens. The Nuytsia article referred to above discusses this.

Chamelaucium floriferum ssp. diffusum

(c) Cal Wood, some rights reserved (CC BY) Observation

A diffuse shrub. The flowers have 10 stamens alternating with 10 antherless filaments which are narrowly triangular to linear. Limited distribution in the Walpole area.

Chamelaucium forrestii

(c) orchidup, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) Observation

Found only in the Mount Frankland area, this species grows on granite outcrops. An erect shrub up to 2m high. The flowers droop on their stems and the style is exerted.

Conothamnus neglectus

(c) geoffbyrne, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) Observation

This is Melaleuca crispii on iNaturalist and does look like a Melaleuca. However, in Florabase and books it is in a different genus which makes it harder to identify.

Gaudium laevigatum (Coast Teatree)

(c) Loxley Fedec, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) Observation

Common names include Coast Teatree and Australian Tea Tree. This is Leptospermum laevigatum on iNaturalist. It is native to the east coast of Australia, introduced in Western Australia and so far there are no iNat observations in Dennmark Shire.

Homalospermum firmum

(c) Keith Morris, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) Observation

(c) Keith Morris, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) Observation

The only named species of Homalospermum. Quite large showy flowers with numerous stamens. The fruits are distinctive and good for identification in the absence of flowers.

Pericalymma genus

(c) Keith Morris, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) Observation

There are three species, one divided into two variaties, that occur in Denmark Shire. This is a genus I plan to look at more closely next spring when they will be flowering. At present I will leave this entry at genus level. Shrubs with intricately divided branchlets and white or pink usually single small flowers. 10–25 stamens in a ring, shorter than the petals.

Rinzia schollerifolia

(c) Keith Morris, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) Observation

Common name Cranberry Rinzia. Flowers are generally pink but can also be white. The 10 stamens are on flattened filaments and are quite distinctive.

Publicado el 09 de marzo de 2024 a las 07:47 AM por boobook99 boobook99 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

15 de marzo de 2024

Flora of Denmark WA - Andersonia

Updated 15/3/2024. Index to my other posts.

Andersonia is named after several botanists called Anderson.

The following table lists the Andersonia species which are shown by Florabase to have been collected in Denmark Shire. The second column shows whether the species was included in the book Flora of the South West and under what name if different.

Andersonia Species of Denmark WA
Species Included Notes
auriculata Yes
Yes See note below
geniculata Yes As A. geniculata ms
Nuytsia 17:202–204, Fig. 3 (2007)
hammersleyana Yes As A. hammersleyana ms
Nuytsia 17:207–210, Fig. 5 (2007)
micrantha Yes
redolens Yes As A. redolens ms
Nuytsia 17:205–207, Fig. 4 (2007)
sp. Amabile Yes
sp. Frankland Yes
sp. Jamesii No See note below
sp. Mitchell River No See note below
sp. Virolens Yes
sprengelioides Yes

A. caerulea

This is a very variable species. This quote from Lemsom—Current Problems in the Taxonomy of Andersonia (Annals of Botany 77: 323–326, 1996), gives an indication why this is so:

“…the merging of seven taxa into A. caerulea R.Br. (Watson, 1962) resulting in a taxon with a broad range of variation, and a large volume of quite disparate material has since been referred to it. It now seems clear that A. caerulea sensu Watson (1962) encompasses several groups. While some of Watson’s recombinations might be justified from herbarium specimens, not all of his changes to A. caerulea are supported by observations of live plants.”

sp. Jamesii

Per Brenda Hammersley collection record: Erect to straggling, most plants 40–60 cm high, the tallest 1.2 m. Flowers deep blue, sepals pink. Confined to an area of very shallow sand and surface laterite. In Jarrah forest with Isopogon formosus, Astroloma pallidum, Grevillea depauperata and Agonis hypericifolia.

sp. Mitchell River

From Florabase profile: Low, spreading, cushion-like shrub, 0.05–0.4 m high. Fl. blue/blue-white-pink, Jun to Sep. Grey sand over laterite or granite.

Per Brenda Hammersley collection record: Spreading small shrub 30 to 40 cm. Flowers blue, sepals paler blue.

Publicado el 15 de marzo de 2024 a las 03:30 AM por boobook99 boobook99 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario