03 de agosto de 2022

The State of Our Planet and Concerns from an Industrial Engineer turned Naturalist

I feel deeply affected and stricken by grief and anxiety over the state the world.

Action must be taken on my part and I need to find a group that can help me fulfill a mission to scream at the top of our lungs:


The more I have learned...the more I see just how far humanity has become disconnected from humility within the wonders of once stable system of planetary cycles all the way down to local ones.

I see once thriving habitats being bulldozed for cookie cutter houses to be filled with transplants who don't know what was here before and then they have 3 plus kids who then need somewhere to live and then more places get bulldozed. Even if everyone lived with their parents...there's a limit to space. And this is just one of the many resources we are taking from the rest of life on earth.

This list of threats to our collective sanity and well being also affect the rest of nature.

The choice to procreate is a sensitive one...I'm through with sugar coating such things when after all the conservation efforts, cleaner energy, growing more natives plants, going vegan, traveling less and even living more in a smaller community of trading and sustainable this and that..all of this still is not enough if we all do not realize some very simple concepts: all systems have constraints.

We cannot rely on technological fixes...we must voluntarily give up procreating and convince others to do the same. In a world where abortion is being contested in the US, we need to challenge our morality when it pits human against human as well as human against the rest of nature. We NEED the rest of nature...we are only here because of the energy stored away by so much other life and habitats (ecosystem services).

We cannot keep taking up so much space and excluding all other life...the limits of land have spelled for us tales of a dumbing of the senses, an absence of the reminder of a living breathing earth. And this creates "shifting baselines" where every new generation forgets or does not know what has already been lost...like the boiling frog parable...it is happening at a rate that is slow enough to get used to and accept rather than say "we don't need to keep doing this...we could have had it so much better if only we..."

We (most of humanity) seems to be drunk on our energy slaves...drunk on a stable lifestyle and turning away and finding ever creative ways to take social media pics in order to ignore or pretend everything isn't falling apart into instability, ruin and just plain ugliness....all signs of an unhealthy ecosystem.

Human centricity is enabled by our long line of success since our climate stabilized thousands of years ago. Religion also puts humans above the "beast" of the world and with something coupled with mortality, folks will be sensitive to alter their views. When their views have very real impacts that ignore big gaping holes in logic and kindness...then simply following "the word" or bending a law is not enough. Our morality must rise above the present moment and constantly challenge absolutism or it will fail in this huge and infinite playground in which we find ourselves tethered.

I find it hard to breath on a daily basis with what I hear, see, smell and touch.

The touch and feel of concrete beneath my feet instead of pine needles and moss hurts my ankle as well as my soul...all because we as a society had to get fat and drive large trucks to stuff our faces with even more crap we don't really need. To get us to places we want to escape to because we created hell in every place we haunt.

The sound of gas powered leaf blowers instead of the sound of the wood pecker.

The sight of seeing nonnative invasive plants covering once beautiful pine savannas knowing that they are limited by budget and time to spray for such things as cogongrass who's removal manually is nearly impossible once established.

The smell of toxic fumes from F150 super charge heavy duty manly man big boy trucks sitting in a parking area in a Wildlife Management Area with their weapons of death and orange vests and signs of nonnative invasive plant spread via unclean chassis and tires...they look like they could care less while posting hateful politically charged messages with crooked necks looking down at their 4 year old iphone, punisher skull on the back and beard n all with "lets go brandon" plastered on their obnoxious huge and underutilized vehicles (I also blame how corporations capitalize, exploit and perpetuate the weaknesses of our society).

These same people go to church cause their wife likes it and they can spout scripture while not understanding the good nor the bad...I'm not religious myself, though I can see where some good intentions may have gotten things wrong and also where greed and ignorance infiltrated religion and made it a plague.

George Carlin was right...we are a cancer...and how do we treat a cancer? If we cannot kill it...at what point do we say "its you or me" after the world loses a majority of its complex species?

At what point do we question our morality and do the most compassionate thing and point out that we will ALL be forced to forgo our morality if we don't start becoming even more responsible and having higher ecological morals NOW?

We cannot just blame everyone else...we all need to pinch in or else what will already be terrible will be outright unfathomably horrific even in my lifetime and I am only 42 as of writing this.

It is because I love beauty and balance so much that I must confront and speak out against business as usual...and I need a group and a platform to do so.

We either choose now to voluntarily scale down and change our views of "rights" and religion or we will face the consequences...once they have been informed and they laugh...then I feel I've done my part by living the life by example and pleading for help...when things get rough my compassion will only be able to stretch so much and I may likely suffer in my want to not let other forms of life suffer as well.

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."

Maybe you are a person I could get to know. I'm reaching out to you, in so much pain...I have to do something, anything to help stop the madness...this, this absolute clown show on fire.

What have we done? Help me...let's let our voices be heard and our action be felt.

Publicado el 03 de agosto de 2022 a las 01:57 PM por bfuxan bfuxan | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
