Archivos de Diario para diciembre 2021

07 de diciembre de 2021

Alpha adventure: Mulligan's Flat twilight tour, ACT, Dec 21

6 Dec 21: Twilight tour of the Mulligan's Flat Nature Reserve
(a little local adventure)

As our tour guide Luke explained, the Mulligan's Flat nature reserve is a sanctuary to protect the critically endangered box gum grassy woodland. A predator-proof fence has been constructed and locally extinct animals have been reintroduced in an attempt to restore the woodlands to the biodiversity levels that preceded habitat clearing and predator introduction.

During our walk we spotted eastern grey kangaroos and two wallaby species, brushtail possums, the eastern bettong (reintroduced), a family of tawny frogmouth, and a nice water spider. We also heard the eerie calls of bush-stone curlews (reintroduced).

A great little conservation ecosystem.

Publicado el 07 de diciembre de 2021 a las 10:47 AM por alphaj16 alphaj16 | 6 observaciones | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario