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Guayacón Mosquito (Gambusia affinis)


Abril 17, 2023 a las 03:12 PM SAST


Lots of these tiny fish swimming in the shallows. No idea how they got into the pan. The numbers increase every time we see them.

Guayacón Mosquito - Photo (c) NOZO, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-SA)
de shyurganespersad: Guayacón Mosquito (Gambusia affinis)
Añadido el 08 de mayo de 2023
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Carpa Común Europea (Cyprinus carpio)


Abril 13, 2023 a las 02:20 PM SAST


This big dying carp was drifting just under the surface and when I tried to take it out it wriggled out of my hands into the wetland vegetation. When I recaptured it I placed it on the vegetation for the photo.

I removed it from the water to prevent contamination and let the water mongoose have a free meal. When I put it down in the grassland, there were numerous lice squirming out of the scales. I collected some which was probably 20-30 in my jar but there would have been more on the fish. This could have been the cause of death because I took a water sample and ammonia was almost zero.

EDIT: The cause of death was probably botulism type C as this year it affected birds and we found a fish with the same symptoms. Type C can affect carp.

Carpa Común Europea - Photo (c) lonnyholmes, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por lonnyholmes
de shyurganespersad: Carpa Común Europea (Cyprinus carpio)
Añadido el 17 de abril de 2023
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Abril 13, 2023 a las 09:06 PM SAST


Hooked maxillule with developing sucker indicates about larval stage four

Argulus japonicus - Photo (c) Jane Trembath, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Jane Trembath
de shyurganespersad: Argulus japonicus, un miembro de Oligostracanos (Superclase Oligostraca)
Añadido el 17 de abril de 2023
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