Specimen deposited at Texas Natural History Collections (https://integrativebio.utexas.edu/biodiversity-collections/collections/ichthyology-fish)
Tall plant with few leaves. Located in sandy soil in the dry stream bed of Fine Gold Creek.
only two or three of these plants in this spot.
Forgive the poor photo, it was all we could get amidst the characteristic wildly loping flight. Way up the Buck Ridge trail in the King Range, seen in a fresh chaparral burn on the edge of redwood forest and intact chaparral.
I yelped "take a picture!!!" Before falling to me knees! I am not worthy!!
Returned to wild
Eyelash Viper found at Celeste Mountain Lodge in Costa Rica
This organism was found in by backyard pond. It is a largemouth bass. It was found August 30th, 2019. This bass was caught in the middle of the pond while I was on a small boat with a fishing pole. The bait was a rubbery fake worm. Bass are the most popular game fish in North America. They like to hide between rocks and trees in the water. You can also find them in rivers, lakes, streams and reservoirs.